
Boo hoo, maybe don’t eat that tub of Hagen Daz...

I didn’t vote for Sadiq (Women’s Equality Party, innit) but between this and his unabashed love and support for the LGBTQ+ community today, I am really proud he is my city’s mayor.

This is outrageous. It gives Londoners a completely unrealistic expectation of beach weather.

Companies aren’t able to freely advertise anywhere, though. The ad-space seller–whether it’s a city transport service, a TV network, or a one-person blog–always makes decisions about what kind of advertisements they do and don’t want to attach to their services. There’s no obligation to give ad-space simply to the

It shouldn’t have to get to Cosby levels before we can call someone out on their bullshit. My point is that one is already too many. I respect that people who are pedophiles are mentally ill and they need treatment and it should be easier for them to admit that and get help before they harm anyone without fear of

Actually, there was a custody case about Dylan, Moses, and Ronan. Moses was old enough he was allowed to choose not to see him, and although Allen was granted visitation with Ronan three times a week, those were terminated after the court-appointed supervisor observed Allen choking Ronan during a session. It’s

HE GROOMED HER. Basketball games, phone calls, secret “modeling shots”

Really hasn’t done that much? One child is already too many. You clearly understand fuck all about the pathology of child abuse and inappropriate relationships within families. He raped one daughter, and groomed another for a sexual relationship for who knows how long before she was of legal age. His movies are

Thanks, was going to post these. There’s a big difference between not prosecuting because of Dylan’s well-being and the power of the accused, and there not being overwhelming evidence that the man both has a taste for much, much younger women, as well as pedophilic tendencies. Mia Farrow and many others in the family

Soon-Yi’s relationship to Allen has been underplayed by Allen, et al since the beginning. Facts are, she met him, as a child, as the boyfriend of her adopted mother. And he was a father figure to her and her siblings. It might possibly be legal, but it is in no way ethical and impacted all of those kids and their

She was too fragile when she was a child-age 7/8 in 1992; as compared to when she wrote the essay as an adult, age 28, in 2014.

She wrote the essay DECADES LATER you dummy

She was a CHILD at the time she was deemed too fragile, in what was arguably the most public rape and child custody case in the world at the time. Coming to terms with it enough to write about 20 years later doesn’t change the fact that back then, she couldn’t face it. Jesus. What doesn’t make sense is that you’re

1.) the testimony of his victim. 2.) just because no one else has come forward publicly, does not mean there were no other victims. 3.) even without Dylan, HE MARRIED HIS 18 YEAR OLD STEP-DAUGHTER. 4.) their relationship started when she was underage. 5.) most of his movies are about an older man sleeping with a

See comments above. A prosecutor who says they have probable cause but isn’t going ahead with charges because the victim/key witness is too fragile, is so far from ‘hearsay and bitterness’ that I wouldn’t know where to begin explaining the difference.

I mean sure-we all get a little upset when down graded. I get that it’s really hard for her to be moved from the best seat to the second best. But it IS hard to sympathize with her as when I’m downgraded from MY seat, I have to hang on to the wing, screaming, like some sort of nightmare at 20 thousand feet.

Scotland doesn’t fucking “hate us” because - who is “us”? There are different forms of “us” and some are just as hated (more hated?) up north as in Scotland. See Nigel Farage at the Oldham election. He seemed very surprised by the cultural differences and response that he was more alien than foreign born residents. MY

It would have saved the Save the Pearls lady a lot of trouble if someone had told her the story was a problem before it was published.