Depends on the denominations, I guess. $500 or $1000 bills? That's doable. Pound coins? Now that would be mighty uncomfortable, and I'm guessing quite noticeable...
Depends on the denominations, I guess. $500 or $1000 bills? That's doable. Pound coins? Now that would be mighty uncomfortable, and I'm guessing quite noticeable...
Honestly, I think it's a little of both. Most of the men I know don't mind playing as women (though usually don't choose to when the protagonist can be either gender), but the comments on Kotaku and the tweets in the article show that there are some guys who are pretty vocal about not playing as women. I don't think…
How would you define a game "aimed at women"? I would suggest that Dragon Age and, to a lesser extent, Mass Effect are games that are intentionally designed to appeal equally to men and women. Certainly in Dragon Age, the female/Alistair romance is the most strongly developed of all the romance options, and I'm…
"Americans pay taxes for cadets to go through rigorous training and serve the country," Clymer said. "When this [behavior] goes unchecked, Abu Ghraib happens. This is why the military covers up sexual assault."
Oh my gods that would be amazing! I wish we could make that a reality - I would love it if we could see into the world of the grown-up Little Sisters who were freed!
I think part of it is that they don't realise they're being misogynistic (which is a whole separate issue). But really it's part of a larger problem - women will watch movies or read books or play games where there is a male or female protagonist, but men will (generally) only watch/read/play where there is a male…
Yeah, I agree with you that fantasy is a way of writing myths for modern audiences. It's just that it's why I find so many fantasy books and games to be incredibly frustrating - because there's a whole lot you can do with that concept without treading such a narrowly defined path. I think most fantasy writers (in…
What exactly is an acceptable amount of money to spend on an engagement ring, in your opinion? Why does it matter to you what someone spends their money on? And if their really your friends, why would you begrudge them sharing their happiness in getting engaged?
Yes, I understand that very well. I've studied or worked in archaeology full-time for nearly twenty years now, so I have absolutely no illusions when it comes to the reality for women in our own past. (Though I would disagree with you on the pastoral societies and property ownership, since there are many examples of…
You'll never win, because you're not the market.
I hate this so much. When I get into conversations about gaming with men I don't know very well, I usually get quizzed to determine whether or not I'm a "real gamer". I'm not a truly hardcore gamer, but I probably spend more time and money on gaming than I do on any other kind of media and I'm pretty serious about the…
Thank you! I think that often the real problem is people being Facebook 'friends' with people who aren't really their friends. If you're getting annoyed by someone's single photo of an engagement ring on Facebook, you need to either unfriend them or (if it's impolitic to do so) hide their updates so that they don't…
Yeah, I have this same problem with most fantasy literature as well. Why is it so hard to imagine societies in which women have more options than that, especially since we're usually dealing with universes that feature magic and mythical creatures and all kinds of things that don't actually exist in our world?
Yeah, that's a good point. I'm really curious to see what they'll do in the future, though I have to admit that a tiny part of me will be disappointed just because it's not Shepherd, Garrus and Liara along with all the other familiar faces. I probably could have kept playing in that universe for a few hundred more…
I'm hoping they will go down the prequel route because those ME3 endings were crazy.
From my own point of view, I really hate that so many RPGs (and RPG/first-person shooter hybrids) are male-oriented. I love gaming for the story, and that's what these games should be excelling at. But why is it so hard for them to imagine a universe where women's stories are just as compelling as men's?
I'm with you. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd buy a (gasp!) PlayStation, but I'm sure as hell not going to buy an Xbox One.
Mass Effect isn't MassEffect without FemShep! And it's one I love to bring up, because some of these guys are using FemShep as an example of a female protaganist in games - but at the same time they're saying that a man playing FemShep is gay. It's impossible to win that one.
Yeah, I actually like some of the Kotaku coverage, but the main reason I visit any of the Gawker sites is to read the comments and I can't really deal with the defensiveness and hostility surrounding any kind of gender issue there.
Yeah, this is what most bothers me when people say that she doesn't "need" to be doing what she's doing. Um, these tweets and the hostility she gets EVERY DAY absolutely show why her work is important (even if I don't necessarily agree with her on everything).