  • Evan Rachel Wood is dating the man in black. [ONTD]

Taylor’s probably just hoping that if they become friends Rooney will lend her some of her eyebrows and honestly I totally understand.

I think the name you’re looking for is “Disharmony”.

We’ve had several fall in recent years up in the Bay Area. Especially after a huge rainstorm after no rain for months. Some naturalist friends told me that these trees aren’t native up here, the soil here and the root systems on the trees aren’t compatible and the next thing you know a tree is on your car, or worse

As an Australian I can tell you that we don’t call them “widow makers” for nothing.

I hate to be “that person” but as a Biologist I think this normally rare event could become more common with monoculture tree plantings. Monoculture stands such as pine, Christmas trees, often for profit but sometimes touted as “eco-friendly” have almost no diversity and therefore no variety of roots to stabilize or

On A related note. Where did tweet beat go? I still miss it so.

Smart - may have to try that next time. My 6'5" husband and I usually try to get across the aisle from each other. Last flight we were on, though, some lady in the seat in front of him kept trying to recline and her seat kept stopping because it was hitting his knees.

I’m 6'3" and that inch or two is the difference between mere discomfort and rage-inducing pain. They could solve a lot of issues by making them all fixed, if you ask me.

I am 5'10" and have a 35 inch inseam, so no Shaq over here, but trust me when I tell you that it VERY MUCH effects me when you jam your seat back into my knees. I literally never do it (even on overnight flights) because in my opinion it makes you into an automatic asshole.

Speaking as a 6'5 guy sitting behind you traveling for work that won’t pay for extra leg room.....NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s not just imposing on the knees, it compresses the available space on the tray table. I won’t get into name-calling with you and your boyfriend but I suspect I wouldn’t much care for you if we met.

I used to feel this way (I’m 5'6, that couple of inches doesn’t infringe on my leg space much at all). Then I met my current boyfriend. He’s 6'6, and partly as a result of his height, he has bad knees. If you recline, it’s actually painful after a while for him, not to mention generally uncomfortable. And yes, we are

But have you said just that out loud to her? Modeling behavior is great, but nothing beats a direct statement. Kids need to know it’s okay to say no to an adult who isn’t their caretaker or is just plain doing something wrong.

Pigeonelephant was cute too

You’re welcome. It’s nice just to know that there are others out there who feel the way we do. That there are others out there who deal with being depressed and shamed while simultaneously trying to raise kids the best we can.

I bought myself an instant pot. I am part of the problem.

Unlike Peter Cetera in the 1980's who did it all for the glory of love and 2% of the gross for the film.

I’m a teacher and I’ve called CPS several times. Like, I saw a step-parent choking his step-son to the point he couldn’t breathe and I saw, with my own eyes, a mother push her daughter down a flight of stairs and we barely got a courtesy visit from the police department.