Are you by chance friends with the US Weekly Copy Chief in this article?
Are you by chance friends with the US Weekly Copy Chief in this article?
And apparently to even get that far into the airport they had to purchase tickets out of their own pockets. Badass heroes indeed.
I was there too! 20,000 in fucking Orange County is AMAZING! The energy was awesome.
Honestly I have a mild case, and I have been incredibly lucky for the past 9 years.
Oh no—which DMD were you on? I’ve been on copaxone for the past 9 years and I’m always terrified something if going to go wrong.
Eucalyptus has been quite a problem in southern cal the past few years. The years long drought has weakened roots, and then sudden heavy rains soften the soil, leading to falling trees. A woman was killed in her convertible when a eucalyptus fell on her waiting for a light in Costa Mesa in 2011. A lot of cities are…
I got the exact same items in my Play box that you did. I like MOST of it, the red is too damn red for me but otherwise I like them. Unfortunately the perfume broke on contact with my drybar spray on our bed and now my bedroom smells like bourbon and vanilla. I’m bummed because I actually like it and it would be a…
As the wife of a 6'8" man I completely understand this. We have taken to getting seats so I am either directly behind him so he can recline and stretch or directly in front of him so that no one can recline and hit him. It’s bullshit that there aren’t accommodations for abnormal height people.
SO MANY TIMES. She doesn’t have the wherewithal to do it. We have tried and tried and tried. She is the world’s biggest pushover and just the sweetest thing in the damn world. She won’t even stand up for herself with other children, much less adults. There are kids who take pieces of her lunch every day, when we…
Oh god this is my 10 year old to a T. She just CANNOT say no to an adult, EVER. I worry about her every second she is out of my sight because she is the perfect target for this kind of thing. And I don’t fucking get it-I’m not NICE, I’m a bitch. The world is going to eat her alive.
I’m not the OP, but fuck this hit home and was right exactly what I needed to read tonight. All of this is so exactly what we have been through (minus one kid and sub in sensory processing disorder for the childhood apraxia), and now we are knee deep in orthodontics where she cries every night and I just want to…
It’s supposed to be firming. I’ve never tried it so I am hoping it improves a little of my sagginess.
Yay on the kiddo! My kid on the spectrum is just starting orthodontia and it was certainly a lesson for the ortho when he just barely put the expander in and she melted down. We are “giving it a couple of weeks” for her to get used to it, before he actually cements it in and we start expanding. I don’t think he was…
Mine shipped yesterday too and showed up today! Have hope!
My exact Ipsy bag as well. The bag is adorable, but the stuff is just meh. I had a year long sub to them, but I am not going to renew—I’m just not getting enough value out of it. I also have Sephora Play and I love it.
while I agree that insurance companies shouldn’t be for profit (the one I work for is not btw), can we also please stop ignoring that the ACA put a MLR in place that is incredibly restrictive, and has made it very difficult for insurance companies to OPERATE properly, much less make a profit. The people making the…
As with EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING that is a part of parenting, sleeping and sleep training is different for every family and every child. I’m a big believer in do what works for you and your kid and fuck any and everyone else. Little Nobody co-slept with us until 3 years ago (she’s 10)—it just worked for us as a…
I couldn’t do it. Take that back, wouldn’t do it. Little Nobody co-slept with us until 3 years ago (she’s 10)—it just worked for us as a family. Then she just up and decided she wants to sleep alone, and off to her bed she went. We tried EVERYTHING—doctors, psychologists, sleep-studies, etc. Nothing worked. If…
I literally just responded this to another comment. In my experience (12 years in medical insurance compliance in CA), where CA leads, the rest of the blue states and often the Feds tend to eventually follow. Hopefully it will mean changes nationally to this kind of bullshit practice.