
OT (sort of): my son plays pee-wee hockey. More than once he’s taken his Under Armor type leggings out of the laundry basket, put them on to leave and complained the whole time about how they feel weird only to discover he is wearing my off-brand Spanx.

So I help out a charity that runs free advanced driver safety course for teens, we had an event in Pomona at the fair grounds this weekend. The first thing we talk about is any recent traffic deaths, every event we have something major in LA or Orange County to talk about. This weekend it was this. One of the parents

The Court is NOT on Dr. Luke’s “side.” The Judge merely applied the law to the facts. As an attorney one of the hardest things to deal with are bad facts. They are what they are and we do our best to construe them most favorably to our clients but ultimately Judges have no discretion to choose a “side” they like. It’s

Demi’s not wrong either though.

I was conflicted about the sound system during the awards. While the fact that they effed up so bad they managed to make Adele sound like a regular human rather than the goddess she is means someone should’ve been flogged.

Cop here.

Count me among those who will grow old filled with bitterness and anger, and a stomach full of vodka infused fruit loops. Seriously, what lies we tell ourselves, and what empty pablum we use to conceal the truth of what we all know: growing old is terrible, scary, and comes with the promise of more. Would I rather be

I make $70k, wife makes $50k. We both drive cars that are 10 years old and PAID OFF. Our only debt is our house. And at $1800 a month, it’s cheaper than some rents in the area. We’re better off than some, but not as “rich” as others.

According to many conservatives, three Muslims does not make a coalition, it makes a terrorist cell.

He is an avocado at law.

The response of the students to their meeting with school executives is embarrassing. They’re complaining about a lack of “empathy” from people that are acting professionally. These aren’t their therapists; it’s the goddamn DEAN OF THE SCHOOL..

ICU nurse for twelve years and counting.

She wasn’t mine last week.

An update for you, as a Pens writer myself- thus far the little guy, Trey, has gotten 2 pucks, a jersey, a stick, and last I saw was with the teams’ PR staff, apparently to head into the locker-room with them to meet the players from what I gathered. While the old guy was booed out of the arena right afterward and

I mean I should delete that comment but honestly “fucking kites” is making me laugh so hard we’re just gonna let it stay for a sec

Paula’s Choice has changed my life.

Why don’t you re-read that, he was poking fun at racist white social pariahs who can’t comprehend nuance. Although, I get why that would offend you.

We need to put a wall between these players and the referees.

In honor of Kylie’s new hair, here’s my favorite blonde joke:

I know which one I’d attend