No, you are not. And it’s not unusual in many countries for the military to be called in to oversee / be on hand for film productions (especially involving a foreign crew in remote locations), which is what is being depicted here. People are just desperate to find things to be offended by, though.
There are clearly black Africans in the video, supporting the production, though. Tiny, tiny, bit parts, yes, but it makes me question if the majority of critics have closely watched the video they are condemning.
Well, I know it’s going to be easy to criticize this guy and everything he did but, in fairness, I think he did a great job directing Argo.
Okay well nbd, I will just leave law school and go live in the wilderness to personally be his new mom. It’s fine. We can fix this. And we won’t have to feel this feeling about how shitty human kind is anymore.
One day, I hope someone invents a device that rich men could use when they want to have sex with random women but don’t want all the risks of getting them pregnant and having to pay child support.
This insult only works because we place such a low value on human labor. Capitalists believe all of these blue collar jobs just get done. I’ve worked at factories, and I can assure you that the work doesn’t just get done. People do it.
And they still gave him the white fleshtone ace bandage. SMH.
Wait... are you comparing slaughtering animals for food to actual human slavery? You don’t see how that analogy is really, severely fucked up?
I met my husband when both of our daughters were nine years old. We dated for several years before we got married. If he had started sleeping with my daughter 10 years later after me giving birth to his child....y’all....Y’ALL....just put some money on my books at the commissary. I’d have been in jail.
Canada’s answer to Ibiza
Don’t get me wrong, this guy is a nasty cruel sack of shit who probably needs to kill defenseless animals to compensate for his small penis. That said, over on Deadspin they’re calling for the guys address as well as his name. Sorry, but we don’t need his wife and children to be harrassed by the internet mob because…
Guys. I’m going to my 4th wedding this wedding season in two weeks and I really wanted to tell you all about it.
Oh, wait. I accidentally starred that because I was thinking Alton Brown.
okay like I know that all political ads are just entirely bullshit but like.
Nah, love isn’t dead - as long as Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn are still together, I still believe.
You should be proud of yourself, too. Both of you lost children but have continued to survive. Unbreakable, My Dog Is A Pirate and southerngothick are strong as hell.