Bird flu.
Bird flu.
I like the show because its characters are not the sassy black neighbor or the angry black co-worker. So far, it's people. I hope they continue to grow the characters.
"Jessica's photo spread was child pornography...and trust me I know my child pornography!"
Anyone who doesn't answer "mandolin slicer" is a damn fool. What's that? Need me to julienne boat loads of veggies or slice 5 lbs of potatoes for au gratin that's going to take 15 minutes with a knife? Ok, I got this shit in 30 seconds...
My garlic peeler (I don't bother to cut the ends). Funny enough, this is the exact one that I own.
Tyler Perry is having a kid.
I had a really problematic pregnancy. When I delivered, I tore. Forward. This is apparently kind of rare, but I split up the middle toward my clitoris. I cannot explain how painful that was.
About the response I'd expect from people who literally think the universe revolves around them.
If you like it then you shoulda passed the bill on it, if you like it then you shoulda passed the bill on it. Don't be mad that they ain't made a law of it, if you liked it then you shoulda passed the bill on it OH OH OH
I'm sorry you all have to go through that :[ I hope there's at least something redeeming about that job- like making little kids smile :]
Please don't get me wrong, I support this, but... $80 a month? Where are people buying their diapers that this seems necessary? I spend a little over half that, and that includes the more expensive overnight diapers. I might spend that much when #2 gets here in a few weeks, but I definitely have not done so this far.
Ariana Grande — a tiny singer with the voice of an angel, the hair of an anthropomorphic unicorn and, perhaps, the…
Oh, hello, mid-second-term Obama. We expected this behavior, and maybe some action on it, sooner.
Here's the thing I do not understand. Driving a minivan is not parenting. It's taxi service. (And most of the kids I knew growing up were in a carpool anyway, so it was a once or twice a week thing.) Making cupcakes is not parenting. It's food preparation. There are SO MANY THINGS that are absolutely unrelated to…
Now you are talking! I felt so guilty for all the dounts I bought, but I am pretty sure it was less than 40 bucks. (I hope).
1.) Buy your rich friend a copy of Emily Post's book of manners and bookmark the page on Gift Giving and Receiving, mail it to her house, and skip the baby shower.
I would make horrible decisions, take a wrong turn and end up as Zach Braff.