
Unless her last name is on one of the buildings, I don't know how effective this tactic will be.

these. flatter. NO one.

HoBoYaNo: She's so sensitive when we behave like irrational assholes to her. Time to start yelling!

Is making this face is fashionable, then I must look like a fucking supermodel when my husband maks me watch Transformers

JENROByou: Sabotaging her parents' chance at retirement since 1988.

Crushed velvet is only for 14 year old girls going to homecoming in the 1990s. That's it.

I just keep looking at her in that dress and thinking the look is incomplete because she doesn't have a scrunchie on her wrist or a choker around her neck.

Yes because minimum wage should be minimum living wage. Especially when the company who employs them makes millions in profits, and their overall parent company makes billions.

I've yet to see a picture of that baby where she didn't appear to have serious qualms about the situation.

How many times has this site complained about headless obese people in stock photos?

Edit: No biggie. :)

Yikes. I was told a few months ago a sexytimes dude-friend that he saw me stop breathing at night and it scared him a little. My dad and brother (both medically overweight and not super healthy) snore and suffer from sleep apnea, but I always blamed my Ashkenazi nose and nascent drinking problem for my snores. (I

"She's also an outlier in that at 5'4" and 105 lbs, her height-weight combination put her slightly below the threshold doctors who use the BMI scale would consider "healthy." She's also below what Weight Watchers would consider healthy for her height."

Interesting. So when it comes to overweight people, BMI is garbage

Budweiser has disgusting beer but great writers for their advertisements. Who the hell is cutting up onions



I'm way, way fatter than you, I promise, so I understand everything you just said x a million, except that I can only ever fly anywhere paying $1000 for a first class seat and even then it's a struggle. The issue with your article is that while the conceptual points are all well and good you have to understand that

1) It was after 1am, so MAYBE he wasn't thinking clearly.
2) It was the suburbs and she was "obviously from Detroit"—-if you catch my drift.
*not that I'm pissed about this or anything*