Yes! It’s very good . If you read the comments on the CTA’s twitter page, you’d think it was an utter disaster, but the last number I remember reading was like, a 96% on time rating across the entire system?
Yes! It’s very good . If you read the comments on the CTA’s twitter page, you’d think it was an utter disaster, but the last number I remember reading was like, a 96% on time rating across the entire system?
Air Seinfelds
Howard Ends, Ranked
He went from being a Cleveland hero to a Turkey club.
Amazing it isn’t higher. Motorcycle registrations from 1997 to 2011 there was 120% more bikes. More than twice the bikes, logical to have more more fatalities.
They’re not saying “Booo” they’re saying “Your failures are now microcosms of our own miserable existences; come join us in our self-loathing, slow march to our TOOOOOOMBS!”
Juan Uribe: still in the league.
tbh major kudos to blizzard for this. smears, squash and stretch is something that video games have needed to nab from traditional animation for years. they just needed graphics to be fluent and hiccup free enough for it to work and we’re - mostly - there.
I haven’t seen a point guard look that mangled on a bike since Jay Williams.
This is more a study on the kind of people who put up pet pictures.
Goose Gossage: “In my day we kept the japs in internment camps and the Cubans on their commie island where they can all lollygag around, smiling and pretend to play real baseball. We throw good old fashion fastballs here in america. None of this fruity off speed stuff. And if you think otherwise or you’re a minority…
The theatre: where fans are deliberately placed to where they can potentially interfere with the play.... then get kicked out of the theatre for interfering with the play, as if the possibility of it happening never even occurred to anyone before.
Guy can’t even draft a letter.
Counterpoint: Griffey
A USC alum would more likely say “its a real good school”