
If you say so. I personally have trouble seeing how "hug your aunt" morphs into "I have to let him stick his dick in me."

Who says they are related? That is how this writer feels and it is based on her own issues. I could just as easily say that my mom not making me hug people made me not understand I was being molested later on because I didn't understand what normal physical contact was. Being molested doesn't make you an expert on

Try to catch the point sailing past your head. Traditions of physical contact upon greeting/departing (hugs, kisses on the cheek, handshakes) are a normal part of human culture and do not contribute to rape culture.

The fuck is wrong with you? Rape culture is a culture that encourages or at least turns a blind eye to rape. Traditions of physical contact upon greeting/departing are not rape.

Yeah, I think some people are really going a weird place with this that I'm not comfortable with. Cool, don't make your kids hug people. But I don't think it's particularly accurate or responsible to suggest that your children will be more protected from child molesters if you don't make them hug grandma, or that

Have you ever heard of the wire monkey experiment? The researchers gave two baby monkeys fake monkey moms—one that was just made of wire and the other made of wire, but wrapped in cloth. That baby monkey could snuggle with its fake mom while other couldn't. They found that the baby monkey with the cloth wire mom had

You can train a dog not to jump in a couple days. Little defensive aren't we?

I don't disagree; it is admirable that she's thought about this and is practicing what she preaches.

No they shouldn't, but you should also train your dog. It can be fixed.

I agree with you (and I've also never been a hugger or kisser of people I don't know well), but I think what your boyfriend (if he still is) was doing was just a simple sign of affection, not some kind of marker of you as his "object". Though the way he responded was obviously not ideal. I mean I'll rub my boyfriend's

My husband's a Filipino immigrant and I'm Italian-American. It's considered bad manners in both cultures for children to not be affectionate with family members/close friends. I remember sometimes not "being in the mood" and finding it intrusive when I was a kid. But you know what? I got over it.

Or maybe he just has no other seemingly non sexual way of showing affection for you. I understand and respect your POV because when you don't want to be touched that's the end of it and nobody has the right to your person regardless of who they are - but it reads different to a person who supposedly cares about you

I have had to sign 2 of these (one for for Starbucks!) and I am OVERJOYED that I will never have to work for these overlords ever again. At this point, I am convinced it is a measure to indenture the lower class. (You can quit/be fired), but never work for us again. Thanks!? I'm still not starving in the street,

I worked in a skilled nursing facility on the rehabilitation staff, and we all had to sign these. I read the fine print and realized that I was signing off on something that barred me from working from any "competitor" for three years after I left the current company. Taken strictly, this would have meant that I could

Non-competes are such, SUCH bullshit. My old company had me sign one that lasts 5 years after you leave the company, and the stipulation was you literally CANNOT TEACH ART. WTF. I was so desperate for the job I signed it. And then I broke it after I left and no one has bothered me about it. But still. I was worried.

I had a roommate that worked at a Jimmy Johns and after reading her employee manual, I am not surprised by this at all. Fun fact: The manager is the only employee allowed to put mayo on the sandwiches. Because God forbid someone accidentally get slightly more mayo than usual.

their food is terrible. And what culinary secrets is this noncompete guarding? Perfect cheese placement? Just the right mayo smearing technique? How to make a SANDWHICH 60% lettuce?

Spay and neuter your pets, kids.

And I'm sure Belles breeder/mommy is completely ethical and working within breed standards to breed healthy pups rather than repeatedly breeding dogs for size with no regard for the overall health of the pups, right?

I will happily donate to a fund to spay Belle's mom.