
I'm just saying, you're coming off a bit unhinged in some of your replies. You might have your reasons, but you aren't helping your cause any.

I would watch that.

"The only reason this is rebooted with a all female cast is due to the studio pandering to feminist crowds who just want to see women replace all men regardless of circumstances"

TBH, I really wouldn't care but a) How would that make the show different from the rest of the genre? Part of the schtick was that she was a girl and her character went against type; and b) Then all we'd hear is how stupid the name "Buffy" is for a male character.

"Therefore it makes sense to just steal men's identity (...)"

If he's so desperate, why not help her with the cooking and cleaning she states she still does?

That's the most immature thing I've ever read. My husband went through an extended loss of sex drive after the grandfather who raised him died. I missed the sex, but at no point did I consider him anything other than my husband.

Never. That's what divorces are for.

Since when does "many women" mean "all women?"

So I guess you're advocating for the inhumane killing of dogs then? You're a peach.

Are you really saying having a seizure and dropping out of the sky isn't painful? How does it feel to be a corporate shill?