
Rik stop talking, you sound like an idiot.

In other words, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" because there's nothing wrong with the status quo. Good to know where you stand.

It would not be sexist to view the movie and then call it crap. It is sexist to not view the movie and call it crap based on some bullshit reasoning that woman can't play certain roles. Also we did have a Buffy 'reboot' with a male lead. It was called Angel and it was awesome.

It's sexist because literally all you know about the new characters is that they are women, and that is sufficient grounds for you to decide you dislike the entire movie already. The people who are saying "I hate all remakes" are being sort of absurd, but not really sexist; they are hating the idea for gender-neutral

I don't remember the original being sexy. Maybe I was in the bathroom during those parts.

I hope that if they go that way at least they'll be funny, and if they're not funny at least hopefully it'll be sexy.

I KNOW! There's so few movies and shows about men! Why do we need YET ANOTHER movie about women?!!?!? amirite dude?

bet you really really hated that Battlestar Galactica reboot, too, huh? How DARE they call it a reboot! They made Starbuck a woman! Therefore, by definition, it's not a reboot!

Except nothing about the Ghostbusters characters are specific to men! The Golden Girls and the ladies on Designing Women were centralized about issues related to women! Gender does NOT enter into the Ghostbusters! They just happened to be written as dudes. You actually could replace them with women in the original

It is 100% fine to be against a remake of Ghostbusters because you don't want a remake of Ghostbusters. Gender does not enter into it. Their gender doesn't even matter to the story. A remake does not mean 100% of the details have to be the same. In fact genders of characters don't have to be the same unless it has

Whatever you say, Least Memorable Ghostbuster.

like someone else said on here: if they are busting ghosts, they are ghostbusters. Gender has nothing to do with it.

maybe i am not understanding your comment but why can't women be Ghostbusters?

Anyone who refers to women as females as in "I love females." ensures my mind will slam shut to anything they have to say.

Oof...that reminds me of the time I made a girl I knew in high school cry. She was very proud of the fact that she was vegetarian, and was always mildly chastising those of us who were not for our "cruelty" (despite this, she and I were still friends, as she was a very sweet and kind person).

I like the part where Kinja always picks the troll getting in an Internet Slapfight with everybody as the most popular thread, because that's the one with all the replies. So all we ever see in the comments section unless we click through to "Show All" is everybody yelling at That One Asshole.

Wait. Are you the guy? Are you the guy who managed to make it 20+ years without having seen an egg cooked in any way but scrambled?

are you for real? not caring is completely understandable. having gone through life literally not knowing there was more than one way to cook an egg is BAFFLING. the thing that is baffling is HE DIDN'T KNOW OTHER WAYS EXISTED, not that he didn't know how to do it himself.

not caring how they're done and not knowing multiple ways TO COOK EGGS are completely different.

Is there steak in that?

I explained to him that filet mignon is a steak, a very nice cut of beef. This guy actually argued with me, causing a big scene.