
So fucking true.

He was actually angry at this as he thought one of the maids had photobombed him.

they’re all rich enough to pay out of pocket for private jets—or at least a business class seat on commercial flights—without batting an eyelash.

I found myself wondering if any of these asshats even knows how to go about procuring a ticket on a regular plane.

he withdrewa request this summer to use a government jet for his honeymoon.

Note to the next city thinking about being hit by a hurricane: be sure and get yourself a NFL team before the storm’s landfall or you will be out of luck if you are expecting donations. I hear the Chargers will move if you pay for the uber.

If the general populace wasn’t so lethargic, I imagine more would be violently upset by now at the almost pre-French Revolution arrogance that many of these people display.

They want food and paper towels and also electricity. Nothing is enough for those people!

But these people only have the average American’s best interests in mind. These are the people who will drain the Washington swamp, get rid of elitists and fight Wall Street. These are the people who will restore the great American Middle Class.

I’m still surprised that this plane story is getting so much traction!

also example number 376948 of the president brutally fucking over everyone around him.

This doesn’t even make any logical sense, since they’re all rich enough to pay out of pocket for private jets—or at least a business class seat on commercial flights—without batting an eyelash. But I guess using someone else’s—namely, the taxpayers’—money is more fun?

You get a cabinet position, and you get a cabinet position and you get a cabinet position!

Everyone knows that the best way to drain a swamp is to remove its liquid assets. Stop complaining about the swamp draining, libruls.

I’m here for this header photo

Well, you know, the real villains here are those greedy Puerto Ricans whose natural disaster has completely thrown our budget in disarray.

When you say Mnuchin, this is all I see now:

This is what running the government like a business is. The people at the very top using it as their piggy bank while fucking over everyone else

What’s cool is the facility people told Rick Perry that Wolverine’s claws are made of uranium and he believed them.