
NO. STOP. IT’S TERRIBLE. It’s been airing here for a few weeks, and it is NOT good at all because:

Mrs. ‘Burner is Taiwanese, and she has made comments about the Chinese on a regular basis, which were cemented when we visited Taipei 101 at the same time as a large group of Chinese nationals. She is intelligent enough to note that many of those patterns also exist in the Taiwanese, but they seem to take it as a

I think it’s universal that one group wants to feel superior to another. Throughout history, people have labelled others as barbarians or savages. Now the language has changed slightly to imply that they are stupid or less sophisticated.

She has the most honourable “how I got fired” story ever.

Every developed country is racist. Britain, Saudi Arabia, China ...even the “friendlier culture” countries like Japan(to be fair: their xenophobia is obvious). Racism won’t go away when even everyone in the world is brown or black.

It’s the socialite thing that gets me. As a white woman, sure, I still want to see some white woman roles as long as diversity in Hollywood increases. But I’m sick and tired of the troubled socialite role. It’s boring. I think it’s because the type of people who get a leg up and really make it in the industry come

It’s just yet another tragic white woman story.

He, like most people with bad/no taste, think that if something is expensive, then it is appropriate/beautiful.The more you spend on it, the better it must be! But this is simply not true. The most expensive wine is not always the best tasting, the most expensive clothes are not automatically the best look for you,

I’ve seen heavier guys where they’re dressed to the nines and all you think is DAMN that’s a suit. Seriously. Maybe an unorthodox pinstripe and matching pocket square, or what have you, but I do so love a nicely tailored guy.

Nah, it’s not just that he’s fat. I’m fat, and a $600 made-to-measure suit makes me look plenty sharp.

I like to believe that a more diverse ad agency will spew out something better than the Charmin bears nonsense. Why are the bears naked, but the boy bear talks to his buddies about going a second day with underwear he clearly doesn’t wear? Why does the mother bear worry about skids in these alleged underwear? Why

Egor claims HE was the breadwinner between the two

Haha well my mom is Korean so I do blame her for my small feet and shortness,

I once had a pretty important event to attend and went into White House/Black Market with money to spend. Please take my money... and EVERY skirt and dress they were showing that was remotely appropriate for the event had some sort of graphic or detail on the bottom that would have made it impossible to hem. I told

I feel ya! I just wrote a screed to the other commenter amount how hard it is to find shoes period in my size let alone affordability.

It’s beyond fucking tough man (cursing at the shoes not you). People always go your feet or so cute and small and you can wear kids sizes. The kids thing is true, as long as they’re things like chuck taylors or toms but it doesn’t make up for the amount I spend on work shoes or nighttime shoes. For whatever reason

I chafe (har har) a bit at the idea that all women must always be dressing to make themselves appear slimmer all the time, and above all else, and that that goes without saying. I’m not plus-size, so I don’t want to speak for them, but I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a woman of any size without some body

I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to my father, Marine Corp Colonel Samuel Tillett for his courageous and near fatal actions, attempting to save as many lives as possible 15 years ago today in his position as head of security at The Pentagon. When the plane hit my father was not but a hundred feet from the

Skin to skin contact is beneficial for infants because it promotes bonding. I promise that it will not give you a boner.

I have zero desire to be a mother but oh I wanna squish that cutie pie baby.