
When your sizing is bonkers - when you have to have size 000 just so it would be equivalent to a 0 or 2 elsewhere - you have MAJOR ISSUES. Oh, and sometimes, the 000 STILL fits like an 8.

I suppose it’s more rude to shame people into good manners...However, we HAVE to admit that people just lack manners/courtesy these days. :(

Anyone taking selfies of themselves doing something illegal is beyond stupid. I guess celebs don’t really care.

Charlotte could, at last minute, refuse to walk. She’s only two, after all!

I think many of us have to be careful about things like this - even if we don’t come from deep pockets. I was recently called out on something - I suggested to someone that she could always “look things up online” if she didn’t know, forgetting that not everyone has good internet access. She’s only been in this

THIS!!!!!!!!! I will deal with the rest of the season, but I’m not sure if I’m going to stick around for season 2. The girls at school AND their moms are just too “mean girls” for me. Just about the ONLY thing I like is how they deal with kids like Anne and their trauma from being shuffled from home to home. Sadly,

The question now is this: Will Rafiki be female (like the Broadway version)?

I get it if they have to wear uniforms of some sort. Or anything indicating they were family of employees. But since they look just like anyone else boarding a flight, why (unless a dress code applies to EVERYONE on board)? A regular passenger wouldn’t know the difference between a kid whose parents paid for the

Someone I know says it’s a class thing, that even the new middle class/new wealthy hold on to some blue collar/redneck aspects, which may be why mainlanders are more likely to be viewed as “tacky” or rude by Taiwanese and HKers. Who knows? However, people should know how to “code switch” when they’re in public.

There are also jokes/comments made by Hong Kongers (and I’m sure Taiwanese) about mainland Chinese (involving tackiness, rudeness or the equivalent of the “Ugly American,” but I have also heard, with my own ears, about the experiences some of my friends and relatives have had, including one who told the story of a mom

My issue with this whole thing is how SO FEW PEOPLE HAVE DISCUSSED THE ECONOMY since Trump was elected. Well, outside of anyone involved with finance and/or economic issues. The economy is already showing signs of volatility and it could be worse. Way worse. And once he’s gone, there could be someone even scarier.

Every developed country is racist. Britain, Saudi Arabia, China ...even the “friendlier culture” countries like Japan(to be fair: their xenophobia is obvious). Racism won’t go away when even everyone in the world is brown or black.

British, huh? I wonder if that’s where “ma lau jai” evolved from - my family is from Hong Kong. I’m unsure whether “ma lau jai” is used in Cantonese-speaking regions of mainland China. Hong Kong-ese words like ba-see (bus) and see-taw (corner store) are loaners from English too. I don’t even know what the proper

Is your grandmother Cantonese-speaking? Mah low jai (li’l monkey) is often used, though it is closer to “brats” or “spawn” than a term of endearment.

Wait, God isn’t a black MAN? Who looks like Morgan Freeman?

I agree. I think there should be an age cap for running, say, 65 (for the first term, anyway). Maybe even 60.

Do you not look Asian at all? I don’t seem to understand how they would think you’re a charge rather than someone’s child.

It’s not necessarily “white” privilege, but privilege, period. I know non-white “kids” (i.e. young people under 25) who got high-paying jobs because mommy and/or daddy (well, usually daddy) “knows” the right people (which covers most points here). I also know many non-white “kids” and even “young people” whose parents

I really doubt much written by me (Asian, Canadian-born and a child of immigrants) - especially something biographical - would change people’s minds either.

Heh. Harper was NOTHING compared to Trump. In fact, he’s normal next to the guy.