
Screw Kara, I love potlucks. If you’re the petty type who’s comparing who pays for what and getting pissed because someone is spending less money than you or getting an easier dish, then yeah, you’re not gonna like potlucks because you’re that person.

True but it is the VERY end of admissions. Most classes are selected/in place by March or April. (And—at least at the school where I work—admin staff, which usually includes Admissions, is running on a skeleton crew because of summer break.)

“Nuh-uh-uh, sir. We’ve all seen the way you behaved in School Ties.”

I don’t understand all the white liberal angst in the comments over private schools. As a totally not wealthy black chick married to a not wealthy Asian dude (1st gen immigrant as well)- we would gladly pay whatever we could afford to send our future kiddos to the best schools possible.

1) Viola Davis is everything, but no, just no.

Children can also be converted without the mother converting. I am still currently on the fence about converting - what’s the point of doing so if you don’t plan on going to services on a regular basis? In any case, we are adopting our children internationally, so regardless of whether I convert beforehand or not, the

I call bullshit. Even the pickiest of 2 year olds will eat pasta.

Ha! Most practicing Catholics don’t follow these “rules”.

as Long as They Promise Not to Fuck

That commercial bugs me. He grew up with a strong connection to German culture for whatever reason, but then dumped it and took up wearing the clothing of a people he has no cultural connection to on the basis of a DNA test?

At this point I’m really hoping Scotland votes again to GTFO and then the EU fast tracks them back in.

Anything that lets the Scots screw over the British is cool in my book.

It’ll be interesting to see whether Brussels takes the track of making it as painful as possible, to dissuade other potential leavers, or or making it as easy as possible in the hopes that it’ll help return to stability.

Dude, Cameron just resigned.

In God’s iOS, “Send Read Receipts” is permanently disabled.

When I was in first grade, our teacher took us to the school library and told us to pick a book for a book report. I went straight to Judy Blume and picked the only one of her books that they had and that I hadn’t already read. This teacher, faced with the prospect of a 6 year old boy standing up in front of the class

I was wondering the exact same thing. I’m 34, and the whole belt thing was already outdated when I read it in 5th grade.

One of my friends was smaller than the rest of us - "training bras", etc. - and she felt pretty left out of the conversation when we had our "curse" chat sessions. And we'd say, "No, it sucks. You're so lucky to not have to deal with it yet." She was 16 when it finally came around, and was thrilled. Go figure.

“How did you get this number?”

I was just there. It was powerful and beautiful and even though I was alone it felt like everyone was related. We were, in a way. Everyone was so polite and quiet. Even the angry chanting (politicians were politicking and we didn’t want that shit, we wanted a vigil and to hear the names of our dead) was done with a

Every group gets copied. If a non-Italian creates a food inspired by pasta that’s neither stealing nor paying tribute. It’s just building on something that’s widely available. Anyone should be able to take a thing and build on it regardless of it’s origin. Borrowing from other cultures has led to significant amounts