
I have two episodes left to watch and really, I don’t find it all that bad. That moment where Stephanie tells DJ she “can’t” have kids brought me nearly to tears. I remember being 15 (!!!!!) and being told by a doctor that getting pregnant would be very risky for me and that I better not have any. I do have to say

I am, as far as I’m concerned, of Han Chinese descent. However EVERYONE seems to think I’m Filipina. I might have a touch of “other” in me (considering some ancestors were diplomats), but for strangers to pester me (make-up counter ladies, housekeepers, servers at restaurants and random people on the street)?

If you want to make changes, you have to get into it yourself for your OWN intrests. Most diversity policies don’t speak for me, even though I’m non-white (they tend to speak for disadvantaged communities, which I’d be lying to say that I did. How can someone who grew up in the comforts of suburban Toronto be the same

The crazier this guy gets the more I believe he’s mocking his supporters (but these supporters aren’t smart enough to realize it).

Bobbi Brown compliments most skintones as well. IMHO, some of the higher end Asian brands tend to have the least variety - I have an Amore Pacific compact and wear one of the darker shades (Sephora only offers five - and I take the fourth shade in their cushion compacts (the only “colour” cosmetic they sell, anyway).

MAC has always been supportive of causes like this one. Think Vivaglam. The colour is nice, but looks like half my lipstick collection (though I am MOST OBSESSED with Fresh’s tinted balms and glosses. This (and a few other brands) is EXACTLY WHY I’m VIB Rouge at Sephora. I’m already halfway to keeping my status and

Should have changed his last name to McDonald. :P

Why bother with “boys’” and “girls’” uniforms? Keep things simple: Solid coloured golf shirt with the school’s crest and solid coloured pants. #duh

I think you need both diversity and inclusion. Diversity, at least “visible” diversity (non-whites, people with physical disabilities, women in general) don’t mean that much when everyone thinks very similarly. You can have a board of directors filled with men and women of all cultures and with some having physical

Where in Canada are you? Several Indigo stores (including one at Yorkdale in Toronto) have American Girl boutiques!

I don’t understand why the anti-spam laws would affect this. All they need is a box for people to check off acknowledging that information could be used by affiliated the show/production company to contact them. You just need to give consent. Are they too lazy to add that box?

However she damn well wants. If she is super-conservative, then let her be super-conservative. If she’s super-left, let her be super-left. It’s none of anyone’s business.

Should say “that’s probably BECAUSE.” Type the whole thing on an iPad and you miss things...LOL! :P

Every time Asians try to defend their own experiences - especially when we come from a more privileged background, we’re just told that it isn’t “realistic” enough and/or that we’re “delusional” - often from so-called “liberal” white people (i.e. those who always feel they need to be extra-PC or sensitive around

Or “jook sing” in Cantonese. This means “hollow bamboo,” referring to how one is not “culturally Chinese” nor “ethnically Anglo.” This is an identity I wear with pride.

That’s probably we rarely wear heritage clothing outside of weddings or other major celebrations. It isn’t part of our everyday wardrobe. Unless, of course, you include jade or other accessories.

Yeah, that black Princess Jasmine outfit is FUGLY.

I suppose this means the end of the fashion and theatre industries in the US. New York will be such a bore!

You mean when you venture further out of campus (i.e. the “townies”)? Queen’s might not be Waterloo, but it ain’t what I’d call a “white” school. Lots of Asians go to Queen’s (and Western, too - my parents were at Western in the early 70s as grad students, as was an uncle. As for Queen’s, I’m an alumna and three

London is a university town. It can’t be THAT hick, can it? It’s got to be like...Kingston (where I went to school).