
If my parents didn’t help me with my tuition (via a fund, which basically covered EVERYTHING - four years of undergrad (including residence) and part of graduate school (commuted from home, with the remaining tuition covered by a scholarship. The fund COULD have been used for ALL of grad school if the scholarship was

Peter Pan is usually played by a female.

When my husband and I first got enagaged, we created a joint email account for our registries (since we could only have one email address associated with them) and ended up using it for most things wedding-related (e.g. digital RSVPs, correspondence with the venue, photographer, etc...basically everything except for

So will we soon see “Who’s More Bae? Marco or Justin?”

Realistically, anyone hired to play MJ would require lots of make-up/CG. I say they should have just gone the CG direction.

My parents were university students in Hong Kong during that time period. They would have worn clothes like that to class.

People were just dressier back in the old days. Today? We’re all just a bit sloppier. At least I’m not seeing athleisure wear. Not in this pic, anyway. I’m sure it’s done there.

They just need a tall & curvy Barbie and a petite & curvy Barbie. Not all us petite gals are between sizes 00-4.

Glad to see “petite” Barbie. Now if the REAL fashion industry will start featuring varying shapes like the dolls. I want the dark haired doll who has darker hair on one side and lighter on the other (even though I don’t have dual tone hair right now).

I don’t know what the distribution of various Asian ethnicities is in the US, but maybe coming from cultures where voting isn’t a “thing” has something to do with it? Or if they came before voting became a “thing?” I don’t know. Doesn’t make sense if your roots are, say, Taiwanese, Indian or Japanese. However, I don’t

Except Trump probably isn’t a true ally of his supporters (but, as I said in another post, mocking them). And those supporters don’t have much “real” power anyway. They aren’t exactly Wall Street Powerful.

A good number of Hispanics and Asians are also NOT (yet) US citizens, thus unable to vote. Also, how many are under 18?

You forgot “stupid.” They’re too dumb to realize Donald is actually mocking/making fun of them by being JUST LIKE them. Because he isn’t. He’s faking it. And also, how are people from, say, China, taking “everything?” Are they talking about jobs and places in universities? Not my fault you guys have low test scores

30% non-white isn’t great if the 30% mostly come from similar ethnic and/or cultural backgrounds. I mean, Google is probably 30% non-white, but they’re mostly Asian. It’s a start, though.

And the sad part is that agencies have told us we were “ideal” because we were “diverse.” Probably because telling the actual TRUTH isn’t “politically correct.” They probably shouldn’t have played up the mixed race/faith part. Because it’s far, far, far from the truth. I don’t think we’re “ideal” for

Korea requires TWO psych evals in addition to medical reports, home studies, etc..

The problem with Hollywood, as in many industries, is nepotism. If you don’t “know” the right people, you’re never going to make it. And it’s harder for minorities (and women) to “know” the right people - especially without being the child of so-and-so.

I agree. Not only is religion an “issue,” but our ethnicities are as well. I think being Asian “scares” some birthparents. So no, it’s not entirely true that being mixed race puts you at an advantage in adoption (as reported by media, both here in Canada and in the US). It just depends on ethnicity/race, sadly.

The thing is, birth parents are the ones who choose YOU in private, domestic adoptions.

I have a genetic condition (in addition to another condition) which has led me to choose adoption. Unfortunately, from an international perspective, we do not qualify for many countries due to the other (non-genetic) condition. I feel domestic is also difficult as we are a mixed race (Asian/white), mixed faith