This makes those Instagram filter names look normal (though many filters already use real human names. It’s not like parents are choosing to name their child Lo-Fi or Normal).
This makes those Instagram filter names look normal (though many filters already use real human names. It’s not like parents are choosing to name their child Lo-Fi or Normal).
Anglican Christian fundie? Sounds like an oxymoron. Well Anglican as in the Church of England/Episcopal Church in the US, anyway.
No, they should not “pretend” that this child is “theirs.” FIrst of all, this child IS “their” child as they will be raising her. Secondly, “pretending” is NOT something the adoption community recommends. - you can’t DENY a child his or her history and it’s WORSE when you lie to them. Besides, there’s something called…
I’ve read horror stories about Filipino “helpers” in Hong Kong and it’s way, way worse there for MANY. Not to say that all employers treat their employees horribly, of course. My aunts certainly don’t.
Actually, the hardest is a domestic private adoption, since the birthparents pick YOU out of a profile. And it was probably more difficult in OUR situation because my husband and I are in a mixed race (I’m Asian, he’s white), mixed faith marriage (baptized Catholic/educated Anglican for me, Jewish for him. Neither of…
That is often the case - especially if they’ve already been in several foster homes at the time they find a “forever family.”
Maybe Jay Z snores!
True. The Canadian series, Little Mosque on the Prairie cast a British actor of Italian descent as a Lebanese character.
I, too, admit that I’m one of THESE. Well, I’m not white and according to most people, I’m not quite a millennial (born in ‘79), but yeah, my parents paid my tuition (including graduate school) and I had help with my first home. I know plenty of people (mostly Asian and white, so please don’t make this sound like it…
But Gerard Butler is a “recognizable” name in general.
To be fair, an all black cast probably wouldn’t be all that realistic, either. Wasn’t Egypt at its prime very multicultural? And the ruling class was probably more middle eastern-looking? For a major film, you’d need big names, and Hollywood’s big named actors are mostly white or black. Not many middle eastern looking…
And some immigrant families put their cultural influences into so-called “traditional” Thanksgiving fare. My family stuffed the bird with glutinous sticky rice, mushrooms and (I think) taro. Oh, and the bird was rubbed with soy sauce.
I’m Canadian, so my Thanksgiving was last month. Enjoy your turkey day, Americans! Meanwhile, I’ve begun to preliminarily plan Christmas dinner...
I was told by someone that some “sale” items are actually meant for their outlet stores. Or from a few seasons ago.
Not sure if they knew or not. But I am not 100% peasant descent if you’re wondering.
True, but Chinese school teachers always call students by their full names. And when you’re six years old, you just don’t tell (Chinese school) teachers your preference. Because it’s rude in said culture. On the other hand, someone named Jennifer can tell her regular day school teacher (i.e. NOT Chinese school) to…
In case you’re wondering, my name is “Thousand Thousand.” And I completely understand. Though many people I know (Cantonese) use double names as nicknames or are known to close friends and relatives by double names. Basically all my cousins and several people I went to Chinese school with (the two years I was actually…
I’m not really northern Chinese. I have northern ancestry, but they migrated south in the 1700s. And that’s my dad’s side. My mom’s side has been in the south even longer. They were born in Hong Kong and I’m Canadian born. The western name stylization I used above is mostly a Hong Kong thing. And married women who use…
Crazy 365 birthdays guy is probably why they always misspell your name at Starbucks. #justsayin
My Chinese name is Cin Cin (the actual pronunciation is closer to Italian than English). Not exactly a common stylization, so I was teased by Cantonese speakers, as well since double names are usually nicknames and not “real” ones (normally, names are stylized Familyname Generationname Givenname. The Generationname is…