
I could never wear that much jewellery. It would just overwhelm me (and I’m not a fan of being too blingy. Unless worn with appropriate clothes - usually culturally-based - it looks extremely tacky!)

Canadian gal of East Asian descent here and I have THREE Lillies, all from the early 2000s.

“Ai ya! Koi gum fay-ah!” means “Wow (or OMG), she (or he) is so fat!” It’s also not too uncommon to hear terms like “fai mui/fai jai” (fat/chubby girl (or young woman under, say, 30) or fat/chubby boy (young man under 30ish)) among the older generation. Once you hit 30-something, a woman could be a fai poh (poh is

Not just white women. East Asian women, too. “Ai ya! Koi gum fay-ah!” is NOT an unfamiliar phrase in Cantonese. And there is a VERY NARROW definition of what’s acceptable. You can be too skinny, too. Cantonese speakers from Asia can be much more blunt.

Now THAT would be quite the tongue twister!

House is in the Bridle Path area, so it’s not where the stereotypical “old money” people live (i.e. Rosedale). I lived nearby in a smaller home when I was a teenager, but knew people who lived there. Too much maintenance, IMHO - even with hired help. I like my condo.

81%? That’s higher than I thought. Every wedding I’ve gone to over the past few years still had it, including my cousin, who got married just last month. And the single women/girls were all happy to go for it. When I married five years ago, said cousin caught the bouquet and her (now) husband got the garter.

There’s always charity work.

Good for her and good for Benefit (love their Roller Lash mascara)! I don’t think you should have to be runway model sized to promote makeup. I really hate it when demo models for hair and beauty products are all tall and skinny (been to too many beauty product launches and seen way too many of that). Totally

Many of these women volunteer, don’t they? Junior League and the like and so forth. The Junior League in my city mostly consists of women with jobs, but that’s not the case everywhere. Being active in the League is a job in itself. There are so many projects! I’ve been active for over 10 years and am finally choosing

My worry now is that the general public will view ANY woman who stays at home and lives in a wealthy area as one of THEM. It’s as if a woman can’t be wealthy on her own. You never know anyone’s situation. A woman could have her own money. Maybe she inherited it from her family. Maybe she works from home. Or both. I

McDonald’s in France has McCafé, though. And while we have McCafé in Canada, it’s nowhere NEAR European and Asian versions. Actually, it isn’t exactly McCafé - just espresso drinks and some pastries.

LOL! Except one can do everything on the phone. Saves that need for a backpack. :P

14 is quite a few! Call me old fashioned/conservative, but I think more than five is too many if one is under 30.

Unlike a lot of Jezebel readers, I’m all for (strict) dress codes - I grew up with them (clubs, school (wore a uniform!), certain restaurants, etc...). However, the heels thing is completely stupid.

Why would a European even WANT to eat pastries from Starbucks?

Or immigrants, especially in larger cities.

Call me elitist/classist, but does anyone think her boyfriend looks like a...loser? He’s unemployed for one, and that skinny frame with the ball cap screams “I don’t give a $h!t” to me. On the other hand, she looks fairly normal.

Some women don’t have regular periods.

You mean streetcar? There’s no Queen subway line.