
It’s also about how you carry yourself. I lived near a construction zone for a while, and cute construction guys would always wink/nod at me even if I’m in my gym clothes, sans make-up (construction guys in that area aren’t gross whistling/hollering at women types).

I know that area well, though my main go-to Starbucks is at Indigo in that area. I like Aroma Espresso Bar more, though.

I think Melissa is “ethnic” as well. Her accent kind of sounds like a Hispanic-NYC accent? I have found that there’s more friction between some non-Asian “ethnic” individuals and Asians than with white people in my experience.

ETA: I have never really had issues when I visit New York - about twice a year or so. But I

Near Yonge/Bloor or the financial district?

I wish you could order from the card, but some areas just have too many locations, too close together. In my area, there are two that are just around the corner (as in less than one minute by foot) of each other. Only difference? One has seats, the other does not (but not small enough to be considered a kiosk).

Move to my area of Toronto. I live within a short walking distance (meaning 10 minutes or less - if you want “normal” walking (20ish), then we’re looking at at least 15-20) 10 Starbucks stores - I think it’s 10. I might have lost count. Then there are at least three indies, two Second Cups.......

There’s probably another Starbucks (less than) a block away, anyway. Ha!

Whoever decided on the “Hockey Sweater” reference for the $5 must be a Toronto fan. Because Montreal fans would have gone with the $50, colourwise.

Meh on the personal chef. I’d get several - all celebrities, all making me dinner on a rotating basis (because they have their other jobs on the Food Network, restaurants and/or writing/book tours. All delivered. :)

Are we talking about completely frivolous?

If they’re going to have a dress code, they have to post it LONG before prom. Like when tickets go on sale.

I thought the problem was that they didn’t have a place to change them.

We nixed door games* at my wedding, firstly because my husband isn’t Chinese and secondly, door games either get fairly X-rated quickly (especially if it involves bananas) or it’s #justplainlame. A PG/PG-13 version is hard to come by. Also didn’t do the 3+ dresses. I had a travelling dress (because our venue required

I had three. I specified the designer and exact shade for the dress and that was it. They could pick whatever style they wanted. When my mom married in the 1970s, all she had was a maid of honour (and my dad had a best man).

This is so sad. At his age, it’s likely a brain aneurysm or heart attack. I knew a girl whose mother died around that age. My condolences go to his family, friends and colleagues.

Without knowing details, this sounds more like lactose intolerance?

I think I used to have a mild allergy to cooked tomatoes. Until I was seven or eight, whenever I had pizza or pasta with tomato sauce, I’d develop a rash around my mouth hours later. I still ate it because I loved (and still love) it.

So NOT!Sam-I-Am has a name now?

Any cranberry juice to go along with that? There! We have fruit! :)

Most public elementary schools here don’t have cafeterias, but there are ones with “lunch clubs” - parents pay a small fee each year and kids are fed REAL nutritious lunches with fairly “grown-up” food. Sample menu from Real Food for Real Kids: