Lots of schools have banned peanut butter. It’s often more of an allergy issue than general health.
Lots of schools have banned peanut butter. It’s often more of an allergy issue than general health.
Except women still can’t be priests.
Oh, I know that! It’s just that in my circle, men (and my women relatives) seem to know how to keep their mouths shut while it’s a free-for-all for the women.
I think we need to start encouraging men to “lean out” a bit more. I know plenty of guys who don’t even think of taking time off to help out with their partners after birth (or adoption). And here in Canada, they are entitled to up to 34 weeks off. It’s more often the mothers who take the entire year (16+34, with two…
Except the assholes who ask women about having children are almost always other women. Usually older. At least in my experience. Though my (somewhat traditional/old culture) family knows how to keep their mouths shut! Good for them.
The whole idea that Bruce now identifies as female, but still prefers the “he” pronoun confuses me. Is he always going to be a “he” even though he considers himself to be a woman?
One of my great-grandfathers had several wives at the same time (completely legal in China/Macau/Hong Kong back in the day - I think it was legal until the 50s) and also had mui tsai (indentured servant girls. Technically, the girls were only supposed to work for a certain number of years before being married off.…
But were girls Sally’s age wearing them? Or were they more for girls who were 12 or younger?
Meanwhile, Toronto picks its first non-white police chief.
I guess I was thinking about my mom and what SHE wore in 1970. But my mom was wrapping up her bachelor’s degree in 1970 and lived in Hong Kong. She was a science student and said that kids (guys AND girls) “dressed” for class - she was in full make-up with heels and a suit.
Is it just me or does Sally seem to look/dress younger than other girls her age at that time? I know that the actress was only 14 1/2 or so at the time of filming, playing 16, but she was wearing a pinafore type dress, while the other girls she was going on the summer trip with were in jeans/more 1970 “teen” type…
I’ve heard that if parents expose kids to a wide range of foods early, they’re less likely to eat “kid safe” foods only.
RIP Gilbert Blythe :(
$3M for place? Zat’s it? A home of a similar size here would be a good $10-12M CDN. $1 Canadian = $0.80 US. I live in Toronto.
Yeah, but they have restrictions. BR Picks don’t apply, nor does leather or designer collabs.
Totally true. Family members WILL say "Wah! Qoy gum fay gah!" ("Wow! He/she's fat!" in Cantonese). I'd be okay with "nay fay jaw wo!" (you've gained weight in a more concerned tone), but NOT that. I think part of it is because they don't want you to be too full of yourself (one reason why Chinese don't often tell…
I’m from Toronto. Had a nutcase mayor until late last year - one that was the butt of late night TV jokes - and our transit system SUCKS. I guess I’m privileged to live in an area with a 99 WalkScore, since I don’t really NEED to take transit or drive unless I’m going somewhere far. I live within walking distance of…
And not to mention bankrupt the country.
Is it even the same shade of blue?
The anti-gay thing isn’t just a white Christian issue. I have relatives - especially those who are boomers or older - who would freak out if their (now adult) children come out. Heck, I have relatives MY AGE (30s) who’d freak (mostly people who live in Asia). Cultural difference? Sure, but it doesn’t make it okay.