
I'd actually like to see someone "normal" take advantage of this new law by refusing to serve people who are ignorant, citing that it's against their religion to do so. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

As long as Mulan is made to look more "period." In the animated version, she looks like a 90s version of a Basic Bitch in period clothing.

I have yet to see a selfie stick up close! People who take selfies just take it the normal way. Guess I'm sheltered.

I have TOTALLY done that.

How good of a job does the school do recruiting international students? Until I started reading some 15 years ago, I had NEVER heard of this place. The women-only institutions I was told about when I was in high school were Seven Sisters and the like. If 40-something percent of the women are on

Bubba and Cleetus go to Starbucks?

Now they can go back to spelling people's names incorrectly (or getting the wrong name, period - they've written Cecilia (my name is Cynthia) more than once. And they've also spelled my name Cinthea, Synthea, Sinthea, etc...). Most baristas around here are white/East Asian and speak English as a default language

Nothing was lost in translation. I think the designers have issues with ANY sort of non-traditional family, including straight couples who adopt transculturally/transracially.

You're correct. Banana/Jook Sing is the East Asian version of "Oreo." Jook Sing is Cantonese and means "hollow bamboo" - not culturally Chinese, but not ethnically white (or more specifically, Anglo/WASP if you're in an English speaking country) either. I wear the Jook Sing term with pride! :)

Plus Mardi Gras isn't exactly high wedding season... :)

Good to know that it's illegal. We didn't do cash, even for our Asian vendors. The both of us are really uncomfortable carrying large amounts with us. I think I'm too banana/Jook Sing to do so.

I suppose you're not doing sharkfin (a lot of young people aren't for OBVIOUS REASONS, much to their parents' dismay)? Don't know how you can get away with low 30s in LA otherwise...

Like others have said, how did you get away with $35K in MANHATTAN??!! That's a bargain! :)

Wedding was in 2010 in Toronto and was probably around $60-70K Canadian (which was pretty much par with the US that year, I think). It was at a yacht club with an all-inclusive package (three course meal, bubbly, open bar, hors d'oeuvres, midnight table, ferry to the club) plus kiddie meal was about $130 a head.

CoverGirl is the only brand that doesn't make foundation/tinted moisturizer/etc that work on most East Asian skintones. Everything else works well though. However, I haven't bought CG since I was 25. I mostly get my make-up at Sephora. Yeah, I'm VIBRouge.

I'm so sorry about your sister. I don't think I had an eating disorder per se. Just a bad view on exercise. I was never overweight, but looking back, I might have been close to being "over fat" for my frame, despite being on the low side of average for my height.

Body shaming/body hating isn't always about fashion and models. For years, my grandmother discouraged too much physical activity because it would make my "legs fat" (she specifically referred to dance/ballet. Not sure if it's just something lost in translation (she did say big legs) or just old fashioned thinking).

WTF are underboobs?

The Timmy's situation must have happened YEARSAGO! Because for a long time, Mastercard was the only card they took.

So wait, one can't criticize? I can't say that a TV show or movie sucks? I can't say that a collection is ugly? I can't say that I don't like someone's cooking? If we keep our mouths shut because we're afraid of hurting people's feelings, people won't change because they don't know that they need to.