Fashion Police may be mean, but what happened to the freedom of expression? If someone doesn't like something he/she doesn't like it. End of story.
Fashion Police may be mean, but what happened to the freedom of expression? If someone doesn't like something he/she doesn't like it. End of story.
I'm very conflicted about this situation. From what I understand, Harper Lee's sister was very controlling about Mockingbird and its properties and may not have "allowed" Harper Lee to publish Watchmen. Now that she's gone (and assuming that there's nothing written indicating that Watchmen CANNOT ever be published),…
If Sally Draper becomes a radical feminist, I can see her daughter being the rightest of right winged Republicans. Because you know, it's all about rebellion. And I'm saying this as someone with a not-so-lefty baby boomer mom (she was a bit of a pioneer, I guess - STEM major, worked in IT. Immigrant to Canada, too.…
I was a piano girl growing up. I really wanted to take ballet, but didn't go too far. Not because I wasn't good, but because my grandmother discouraged me from doing so. I don't know if it's some sort of Chinese immigrant thing or not, but she said that dancing would make my legs fat. WTF????? Fat legs? At least…
THIS is why I have issues with the Catholic Church (and have so since I was 10 when I got mad that my school refused to give us UNICEF boxes for Halloween - because, you know, the UN is NOT pro-life like the Church). And also, not everyone is on the Pill because they want it for birth control. Some do so because…
Much, much better. Did not like the long hair/beard. Not my thing (he looked like he was in a desperate need of a shower - more so than Matthew McConaughey. And I always thought that MM needed to bathe).
This could be good for that seven year old whose school/Parish forced the entire class to wear white choir gowns for their first communion (because, you know, there would be less bullying/teasing of who has the "better" dress/veil). Yes, I am still bitter.
I think it has to do with not sounding like you're showing off, so to be "safe" you say you're "middle class."
This is more of a cultural situation, no? Junior League members in my neck of the woods tend to work - especially those without children.
Weddings are a cultural/regional/generational thing, not necessarily class. I really wanted a food station/cocktail style reception and yes, my Chinese family would totally be okay with it, but my husband's Jewish family (similar-ish class background of being first gen middle/upper middle class) would NOT. We ended…
As in non-white people with those names or non-white people, period?
Cafeterias at workplaces and schools serve faux Chinese food (i.e. the Canadianized/Americanized version with egg rolls and such) on the first day of Chinese New Year and most people don't think it's a big deal. I've yet to hear anyone of Chinese descent, including immigrants, complain. We think it's kind of…
There are a few Lebanese expats/immigrants in my building and they're really over-the-top (by Canadian/Toronto standards) with make-up and scent. They don't dress like the woman you're describing, though - probably because they're of a certain age and don't feel that it's "right" to do so anymore.
Majority? Maybe many, or at least certain ethnicities. I don't think I've met an East Asian woman who has said she has issues with non-drugstore foundations or concealers, save for some South Korean brands that only sell two or so shades that they jokingly refer to as super light and very light. Note that I am not…
South Korea, Vietnam, India, China, etc, etc... Hong Kong is probably a bit more lenient about skin tone, though you probably don't want people to say that you "look Filipina" if you're Chinese.
There may also be the darker skin = peasant philosophy that still lingers in many cultures.
You make it sound like every non-white woman has problems fitting into beauty standards. Outside of cheap drugstore brands, I have NEVER had problems finding make-up shades that work on my skin. And even with drugstore brands, it's just foundation/concealer and the like. I didn't even have issues before the…
I like the Dubai look the most and Lebanon the least (I'm not a big fan of too much - one reason why I refuse to let MAC staff touch my face). Dublin isn't bad and I'm not a fan of the lipstick shade from the expat in HCMC.
Too bad non-actresses are not included. My favourite was the AMEX dress from the mid-90. She won for costume design, I think.
DKE is an international organization with an international HQ. The question is this: Will IHQ be okay with this? If not, they may be forced to become a "local" co-ed fraternity.