
I have a tracking app on my phone that I downloaded a couple of weeks ago. My husband and I have been a member of our gym and see a trainer weekly for nearly five years. This is just as long as we've been married. I also work out several times during the week. I know I'm privileged to work flexible hours, so I

I downloaded Pacer on my phone. Since I live and work in a very walk-friendly area, I typically will clock 10,000 steps. It's to the point that I care more about hours of activity than the number of steps since it's probably not super-accurate, anyway. My goal each day is between two and 2 1/2 hours and because I

Greek yogurt FTW. Plain. On fruit. On baked potatoes. On chili. On pretty much anything and everything that calls for sour cream.

I often order pizza from a place called Magic Oven and they have relatively uncommon toppings - beets, tofu, grilled salmon (opposed to smoked, which is seen in many more places), kale. I love getting it with spelt crust and I have a habit of overloading my pizza with veggies. :)

While I'm not a big fan of modern pop music, I think most of the industry thinks Kanye is a joke. Seriously, dude is a bit full of himself.

Guys' bathroom?

Why not just forget POC and refer to the person's ethnicity? Call me Chinese/Asian/East Asian/That Girl With the Ponytail/non-white, don't call me Person of Colo(u)r.

How can one score more poorly in math if teachers see their names? Unlike humanities, answers in math are definitive. 1+1 is always 2. Are we talking about showing one's work?

I'm totally not surprised by this. My grandmother was even more pro-STEM because she believed that white people would never hire Asians for non-STEM (or at least math-related, like finance) jobs due to stereotypes. She thought that if one wanted to be successful/middle class and is Asian, he/she MUST do STEM. I

Well, it's STEM or finance. Law was never really part of the picture and I don't know why. For many of us, you basically had to become a doctor, accountant, investment banker or some sort of scientist. I was one of few Asian students in humanities. In drama, I was often the only Asian student in my class, even

My parentals forced me to like STEM when I was young and I ended up majoring in drama and history. HATED STEM subjects and wanted to be presented as a debutante.

I like the premise of the show, but even though I'm Asian, I find that my family has more in common with the Johnsons in Black-ish than the Huangs. I don't know if it's exaggerated, but the Huang parents were just a tad bit too FOBBY for me. I had my FOB parents vs. CBC me fights, but the issue with lunch never

the youngest is 17? The standing blonde girl links no older than 14.

That's what I'm thinking, too. Her sister could have been a bitch and just told her that it was a bad idea, so she, therefore, said that it was a bad idea.

Another way of looking at it is this: Harper's sister was over-protective of her and wouldn't LET a sequel be published. Now that Alice is gone, Harper can do whatever she d@mn wants? Who knows?

Actually, I was thinking Andy the military guy's season. Just looked it was in '07.

Didn't a half Asian girl win one season? I think it was either '09 or 2010.

Yep. I'll just stay home in Toronto and go to Yorkdale (or go to the Bloor-Yorkville area if I want to be outside). It's a mall so it's weatherproof.

From what I've heard, Rodeo Drive isn't what it's cracked up to be. If you have the money to spend, Madison Avenue is probably a better place to go. Of course, you might not want to shop in Manhattan in February...

Wow, there was no pre-nup of any kind?