
There's always an evil twin...

I guess my "weird roommate" was relatively tame/normal compared to your list. She was just a night owl. Studied until 3 or 4 in the morning, but slept until noon (and thereby skipping any lectures she had before 1 pm). I learned to sleep with the lights on. Oh, and she was obsessed with a guy at another school

So in other words, Ms. Ensler has a no media clause, not even when she adds (and I assume, takes away old) new monologues?

I can understand not altering the play, but one can't CRITIQUE it? Like members of the media cannot publish an article reviewing the show? Grad students can't use it as a reference for their thesis on feminist culture?

They should just cancel the show already.

To people I know - especially the living at home part. I have at least one childhood acquaintance who lived in his parents' basement for a good year AFTER the wedding. But then again, when you live in a city where the average starter home is well over $500K...Most people's parents only expected them to be at home

I'd rather see a show where the FOBBY mother is one of those tai-tai/see nai/ladies who lunch (i.e. middle aged, money-obsessed luxury brand addicts) who thinks her hipster son/daughter is wasting his/her money on brands she's never heard of and doesn't like the fact that they're NOT living in their McMansion, even

"Our students are as well educated as they were 100 years ago."

DIRRRRRTTTYY..... and since I'm now 35 and he was 23 in the video, I guess that makes him sorta jailbait, right? :P

It's hard for me to imagine as well. However, I don't have to go too far to find people in my family who were illiterate. One of my maternal great-grandmother (maternal grandmother's mom) learned to read/write as a teenager/adult after she married! My grandmother (her daughter), on the other hand, finished high

Ian is the evil one. No one will ever suspect the one with a more "traditionally normal" name.

I don't think Banana carries 14P either, at least not in stores.

I'm not surprised that newer immigrants are more likely to hold anti-Semitic (or anti-any group views). I've noticed that even here in Canada, newer Canadians/recent immigrants are often more ignorant than people who've been here longer, probably because they often come from more homogenous societies and are just not

Black Friday, Boxing Day, Lucky Bag Day. No matter where in the world, one thing remains the same: people want stuff on a discount.

Starbucks is really late in the game for this. Many North American indies have been serving flat whites since at least 2013, probably even earlier. In Canada, a competitive chain, Second Cup started selling them back in the fall and even then I thought they were late. Now Hong Kong Milk Tea - that's what they need

But the mayor's wife has other pants. Or dresses. I wore a simple black dress to my grandmother's funeral because I wanted to be respectful and wearing black is the most neutral thing.

Mrs. Hughes looks really different in real life. I guess that's what happens with costume/period pieces.

I've been to C. Wonder a few times when I was in New York and all I could think was that they're a (more affordable) rip off of not only Tory Burch, but Kate Spade/Saturday as well. Sorry, but I'd rather buy Saturday.

I'd say nay unless the kids are part of the wedding party or are siblings of kids in the wedding party.

I'm so jealous of US Girl Scouts. You guys have really good cookie choices! Here in Canada? Mint in the fall and the "traditional" vanilla and chocolate sandwich cookies (one row vanilla, one row chocolate) in the spring.