If someone is "very allergic" to gluten, they shouldn't be in a hot dog restaurant that clearly uses "regular" bread. Because cross contamination.
If someone is "very allergic" to gluten, they shouldn't be in a hot dog restaurant that clearly uses "regular" bread. Because cross contamination.
Russell Crowe should start acting his age, too (and yes, I have a problem with anyone who doesn't act his/her own age).
I don't consider a 16 year old an adult either and I agree with you.
Just because 16 is the age of consent doesn't mean that the law recognizes these individuals as adults. I'm pretty sure 16 year olds cannot sign legal documents without someone over 18 co-signing (I know that you can't in Canada, even though the age of consent here is also 16).
Beyonce and Rhianna aren't models. Then again, magazines don't use models as often as they used to, anyway.
I haven't seen other seasons, but the models used in the current collection all appear to be the same size and are all black. Where are the Asian models? Hispanic? First Nations (Native American)? Oh, and that blue lipstick? Ummmmm, NOOOOOOO. Yes, I'm being picky.
Even if they decided that Ms. Hannigan was going to be played by a black actress, it would probably be very unlikely that you'd see any Broadway talent - not even crossovers like Audra Macdonald. Because, you know, they wanted a NAMED STAR.
or Pontius Pilate...
I can't help but see Annie (all three movie versions) as a social commentary on which kids are "adoptable" and which are more difficult. I have access to a photo listing of kids available in the public system and very few are under the age of five, with even fewer under three. Most are special needs at that age and…
I agree. Too many Canadians and Americans still think "Chinese food" is egg rolls and chicken balls. I did not have my first chicken ball until I was at least 12 or 13 (I also thought egg rolls were unstuffed canoli and always wondered why white people were eating cookies as an appetizer) and I grew up eating…
Lawyers (for example) who aren't "paired off" during law school or immediately after might delay marriage because they just don't have the time to date. My husband and I were at a an event and a guy had to leave the event early so he could head back to the office (at 9 PM). He told us that many of his co-workers…
Meh...you get this: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/hon…
We're talking relatives. We're talking about immigrant and old country relatives, especially ones of a certain age who have trouble processing new/different ideas.
I'm assuming that it was your SIL's partner that was the one who was carrying the child? My family probably would ask the same thing (though I have a feeling that the very traditional/old Chinese relatives would not even officially recognize the partner as a member of the family, even if they were legally married).
Most restaurants I've come across don't allow outside food unless it's for a child under 2 or 3. And restaurants that don't have said policy should. I mean, nuts/candy is one thing, but an entire Tupperware of food? JUST. RUDE. As for RSVP-ing, too many people only respond to yes. I hate having to email/call/text…
Then I guess most relatives are @$$holes, because those comments are very common for A LOT of people.
The American uniforms have become just as casual as the Canadian ones. I guess dresses/dress pants just don't work when you have to run around.
My husband and I should make one which includes:
I thought "non-traditional" meant kids with gay parents, interfaith parents, interracial parents or any combination of the above. No kids yet, but DH and I are interfaith/interracial. My upbringing wasn't exactly "traditionally nuclear" either. Though I have a mom and a dad who were (and still are) married to each…
Then there'll have to be a snooty rich girl that the guy's parents want him to marry. But he thinks she's shopaholic bitch with no brains.