
Finally? If you go back far enough, fair skin was a thing.

I think everyone needs more diverse friends, period. I'm Asian. Most of my friends are Asian (Chinese Canadian of Hong Kong descent, to be specific). My white acquaintances mostly have white friends (and usually of a similar ethnic background). South Asians mostly hang out with South Asians. And to be quite

Laughing at the stupidity. Question: Is the organization for people who are from abroad? I did not notice names similar to mine - western first name, Chinese last name, something that is very common for Chinese Americans/Chinese Canadians. I think I see names like mine more often than a completely Chinese name.

Is he Asian and an immigrant? Some of my foreign-raised cousins and other relatives make comments that would NOT get a pass this side of the Pacific.

Right, but I was responding to a poster who said that people who are small can shop online, while B&M stores should cater to "everyone else." And by the way: some people who "live here" ARE tiny, whether they're East Asian or not and do fit into modern os, 00s and the so-called 000s. I happen to be 0/00 and am

Hmmm, then where would tourists from Europe and Asia (who're often smaller) shop when they come here? Around here, some malls and boutiques are now specifically marketing to foreign tourists by hiring bilingual and multilingual staff and stocking sizes that are more specific to them. No tourists = less money for the

I had a cousin around my age ask me if I wanted to go out for Jap food. Yeah. Apparently, in Hong Kong, Jap is NOT a slur, but just a shortened version of Japanese. I was told by other family members (older ones) not to correct her. WTF?

Not just dads, but a lot of men in commercials, period. I mean, Trivago, anyone? Dude is creepy as hell.

Since this is a take on My Fair Lady/Pygmalion, then Henry's mom is going to be baaaadddddasssss (and maybe even in a stereotypically immigrant Asian way, like some of my aunts)....

Skinny jeans (and leggings, too) + tall boots = a cold/snowy climate dwelling person's best friend when they don't want to wear skirts/dresses. No wet/dirty hems!!

I have a problem with that #pastagate issue in Quebec, but I DO NOT have any issue with French signs. It's THEIR LANGUAGE after all. I mean, I don't usually eat at Markham Chinese restaurants without my family (not only because I hate driving up from downtown) but because I can't read Chinese. Besides, they often

I don't think it's fair for a country that is primarily made up of immigrants or descendants of immigrants to criticize old world nations and their naming regulations. In places like North America, because of our vast cultural diversity, we can't really limit names (save for names that are insulting/un-PC) because

Breast milk doesn't stink, poop does. This woman should have found some other alternative.

Won't be surprised if it happens. Because it probably will. However, don't expect Jezebel to report it.

Different part of the city, for sure! Coffee places near me are mostly Starbucks (about seven within a 5-7 minute walk), Tim Hortons (maybe three within five minutes), several indie places and a couple of small chains.

Even Timmy's? Maybe old school independent coffee shop/bakery type places. I don't go to Coffee Time. I don't even think there are any near me - unless you count an Eggsmart (they serve Coffee Time coffee, but I'm not sure if they're owned by Coffee Time or if it's a licensing thing) about a 20 minute walk away. I

Really? Maybe I don't go to Tim Hortons type places enough, but to me, "regular" means brewed/drip (opposed to espresso) or the "standard" size. I was born and raised in Toronto.

A lot of countries have similar surrogacy laws - surrogacy is only legal if it's "altruistic." Canada is one. One reason why we're choosing adoption.

Maybe if she works in the fashion or PR world.

A woman intending to marry another woman won't look for a MRS. Right unless she wants to be a homewrecker. She's looking for MS. Right. #justsayin. And I don't find these offensive. I think they're funny - they're making fun of how many of us have an obsession with shoes (and with finding permanent partners), while