I haven't gone to Calgary in years. I didn't remember how long, so I was just guessing!
I haven't gone to Calgary in years. I didn't remember how long, so I was just guessing!
You can find stuff for women under 70 at Talbots? :S
And not to mention, Ann Taylor, J. Crew and Banana vanity size like CRAZY... sorry, but I can't be 00P.
But what happens if it's difficult to find a child that "matches" you? With Asia closing its doors to international adoption, it's very difficult for my DH and I to be matched with a child that would look like us. And we are an interracial couple (DH is white).
Calgary is NOWHERE NEAR Drake's "stomping grounds." Calgary is a good three hour flight west of Toronto. It's not even in the same time zone.
What one likes/dislikes/recognizes is probably based on exposure. I think people need to be exposed to a wide range of foods from a very young age. When I have kids, I really want to send them to a preschool with excellent lunch plans, where they're exposed to foods ranging from hummus to tofu to just plain old mac…
Classist/regionalist when it refers to people of a similar/same ethnic/old country background - I mean, are "Newfie" jokes (or Appalachian or hilbilly jokes) "racist" or classist/regionalist?
Some of it is kind of class-related, IMHO. I've heard Asians throw it around other Asians (including those of a similar ethnic background). It's about (stereotypical) behaviour, education, etc, etc... Kind of like middle class white people talking about Honey Boo Boo and her clan (just because they now have more…
And a child of immigrant parents will also have a "different life experience" because he/she did not grow up in the "old country" and therefore are exposed to what can be a very different culture. That's why there are movies like My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Bend it Like Beckham.
I can kind of understand the clinic steering a fertile couple away from choosing a sperm donor of a different race, but a non-partnered woman? That's wrong.
So he was her trophy? In other words, his hotness was a way for her to show off (i.e. "I might be an awkward/nerdy girl, but LOOK WHAT I GOT!!")?
Where are the fuzzy stickers? It was all about fuzzy stickers when I was in Grades 3 and 4!
Isn't this kind of like Fresh Prince, in a way? With the dad being Will and the kids (maybe the mom, too) = Carlton?
Why was she going out with him, then? He sounds like an @$$hole for suggesting that she'd be more "presentable" when she visited his hometown.
Jezebel is a site I have a love/hate relationship with. And I've been very open about that.
I have a cousin who was almost completely ignorant of Jewish culture, despite living in Manhattan for many years. Not sure if it's because she was raised in Hong Kong and therefore didn't have much exposure to Jewish culture. But I find it odd that one wouldn't know at least a little just by living in NYC.
Try being 4 1/2.
Either way, we have to face Mr. Tori...er... Dean for another season in Chopped Canada. I like the show, but I can't stand him.
Most people in my family had "modern traditional" weddings. A REAL traditional Chinese wedding just isn't done anymore - at least not by the Chinese community in Canada or Hong Kong. "Modern traditional" means at least three outfits for the bride (white dress, Chinese dress and evening gown, minimum), a…
How many people actually follow the seven nights of feasting in 2014? Considering that most people don't have the time.