She's got crazy eyes.
She's got crazy eyes.
Thank goodness. Could never understand why people bought the brand. Before the Lululemon craze started around 2006 or so, I always saw suburban moms in Juicy... Yuck. Heard they were replacing some stores with Kate Spade or sister brand, Saturday, but not sure if it's true. I was happy to send the Canadian stores…
Good for them. The Anglican Church of Canada, though mostly gay friendly, still hasn't "officially" allowed gay marriage yet, according to Wikipedia...
Good GAWD... I know parents like that. Mostly Asian parents who accompany their younger adult children to the doctor and insist that they come into the room. Yes, "children" who are over 18. Basically, the people I know (who are all western raised) had to force their moms not to come in with them in their early 20s…
Double wedding? Frahnk and Not!Frahnk plus Matty and his husband-to-be?
Wouldn't this be Father of the Groom? Just because he's gay, doesn't mean he's female. When gay men marry, there are two grooms.
Maybe I just don't understand "grub wear" for school. I spent seven years in a uniform. Sure, we had our "grub" days (when we didn't have to wear our uniform), but we always had to pay $1 or 2 and it went to charity. We had rules with our uniforms - shirts tucked, skirts at a certain length (unless we opted for…
There's a difference between clothes one wears at home (I wear yoga pants and t-shirts when I'm at home) and clothes people wear when they're in public. I only go out in public in yoga pants if I'm going to the gym. Otherwise, I wear regular clothes (which usually means (for my casual days) knee-length dresses or…
Sorry, but I think that dress is goddamn fugly. I wouldn't be pleased if my hypothetical daughter wore it. And no, I wouldn't wear it myself. I'm a nice old fashioned kind of gal and I actually like dress codes, but only if an equivalent is applied to guys (so no, guys can't wear "wife beaters" (or whatever the PC…
There's an event in Toronto where designers show off dresses made out of toilet paper each year supporting the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, so it's not something I've never seen or find all that "odd" anymore.…
To tell you the truth, I'm not sure I'd like anyone who is a thumping atheist (think Bible thumpers, but people who go around spouting that there are no higher powers, etc....), but that's because I don't like annoying people, period. I wouldn't want people around who criticize me for sending any future children to…
It depends on the product. The camisoles can be very comfortable!
I was specifically talking about Hong Kong and Singapore, actually. Though there are some issues, workers are treated well (at least those who are under my friends' and relatives' employ). The only issue that I can think of that is a major problem (currently) is that they have to live at their employer's home.
That's not what I meant. I was just letting people know that it might be easier for some women in certain parts of the world...easier than this side of the Pacific because of help. Jezebel is so US-centric that they never think about other regions and frankly, it's ignorant and sad. Oh, and really dumb, too.
But if we only look at middle class and above women, then my post stands.
I agree with you on this part. I think either child care needs to be more affordable or guys need to man up and start sharing the household chores. We women still do the majority of them. Or, move to Hong Kong or Singapore, where help is relatively affordable. Everyone I know who lives there has a nanny/cook, so…
00 to 8? You mean a British 8? The only time I wear 6s and 8s is if it's, say, TopShop and I'm reading the UK size rather than US. I take a 00P at BR/Ann Taylor/LOFT/Theory.
According to "typical" charts:
Try reading petite blogs. Most of the bigger ones are on the shorter side(Cute and Little, Extra Petite and Alterations Needed are all hovering at 5'), but they're also fairly small-framed (I think they're all around size 0, though Cute and Little had a baby last year, so she might be closer to a 4).
WTF is "normal," anyway? She looks a bit more built/bulkier than a lot of women in beauty pageants, and at her height and dress size, she's probably somewhat similar to people who're more average height, but on the small side of the sizing chart (say, size 0). I can't say that style bloggers like, say, Kelly from…