
I absolutely REFUSE to eat packaged mac and "cheese." If it's powder, it isn't REAL CHEESE!

She's still much slimmer than a lot of people watching the show. And yeah, that's an ugly, ugly suit.

I think they should have provided the reporter with a shawl. #Justsayin

The good news is that our moms made less greasy grilled cheese sandwiches, which probably cut down on the calories (well, maybe not my mom's "croque etudiant," with the deli meat and all).

Microwave? Errrr NOOOOOOO.... though my mom's version of grilled cheese is what I now call "croque etudiant" - sliced, processed cheese with deli ham on sandwich bread and toasted in a toaster oven. I didn't know that grilled cheese was meant to be cooked stovetop until I was a teenager. #asianmoms

I'd cast one or two big names and then predominantly use people who have appeared various stage productions over the past few years.

Oh well, at least there aren't lines for the ladies' room for a change...(i.e. guys get to know what it's like for us most of the time)

I'm sorry you had a bad experience. But many people who loved their experience (and will likely send their kids to the same or a similar school if they could pony up the tuition) will find your comments extremely offensive, not only to the school, but to us, as alumni. I think you fall into the minority, anyway.

Well, it'll be quite a few places if I told you. And it wasn't as if we didn't have sex ed, so you're pretty ignorant if you think that we graduated completely clueless about sex. We were also taught about the dangers of alcohol and drugs, though our drug/alcohol use probably wasn't all that different from public

I think we got away with certain pinks if it "went" with our skin tone. So the shade of pink would have depended on the individual.

Then I guess 99.999999% of all "traditional" prep schools in Ontario are stupid. Actually, most prep schools I've come across in Canada have similar rules and are modelled after "public" schools in the UK.

It's not uniform appropriate. One can wear whatever colours they want on grub day, formals and on weekends. If you don't like those rules, you don't have to go to that school. Saves your parents money, anyway.

Most more traditional private schools don't allow visible nail polish. It's a thing and I accept that. It's not something I'll ever protest. It's actually kept me grounded, even now as an adult (i.e. I wear colours that are acceptable for someone who works in a more traditional corporate environment). We aren't

When I hear about bra straps violating dress codes, I don't think "girls need to cover up." Instead, I think "OMG, don't people realize it's tacky?" or "don't people realize that it doesn't look put-together?"

Maybe people should just drink wine or beer, then? Unless it's mixed with something else, you can't make it "extra strong." These days, when I drink, I usually get wine. Wine tends to have fewer calories and less sugar than many of the mixed drinks anyway. Besides, it's better with meals.

This isn't a non-Asian person getting "permanent yellow face." It's crazy cosmetic surgery that some dude decided to get. It's more extreme than most eye surgeries that Asians get. At least when Asians get it, they still look Asian (usually) - just more "southern" East Asian, if you're looking from a physical

I'm surprised New York isn't on the list. I mean, it's home to one of the biggest Fashion Weeks in the world AND Broadway, if you want to go with stereotypes. And isn't the New York Pride parade one of the biggest in the world?

The after picture makes him look really goth.

Or even if you haven't. I think my first "real" experience of reading about racism that was directly related to my own ethnic group was in Grade 8 when we read Who has Seen the Wind, set in Depression era Saskatchewan where two Chinese kids in the book were virtually ignored and the family treated poorly. I guess in

When I was an undergrad (1998-2002), we were told to "keep a close eye" on our drinks when we went out. It won't stop things from happening, but it could lessen the chances. Nothing's going to be 100%. I mean, you can get pregnant while on the Pill. You can get pregnant if the guy uses a condom. You can get