Hilarious! Also, how does a ugly-looking fat cartoon character really attract clientele? At least the Little Caesar's guy is memorable...
Hilarious! Also, how does a ugly-looking fat cartoon character really attract clientele? At least the Little Caesar's guy is memorable...
They give me sh!t all right. Especially my relatives in the old country (Hong Kong), where "food pushing" is common (and then they criticize that someone is "too fat" or "too skinny"). And when you ask them what's in some items, they'll just tell you "good stuff." WTF does that mean? My husband's family (Eastern…
Nothing, but you know how religion often plays an important role in shaping culture, even in public school (where it shouldn't belong).
That's what I asked. A dress code - for boys AND girls - would have helped.
She's pescetarian, then (I'm pescetarian before dinner, though I make exceptions if I have to have dim sum with family or have a food-related tasting event. Then, I'll be pescetarian or vegetarian at dinner. I basically only allow myself up to one land meat meal a day. There are days where I'm completely…
30% female doesn't sound all that bad for STEM. Can be better, but it could be worse. What are the stats at other tech companies? Not surprised that it's mostly white and Asian.
Yes, that was our uniform. It goes back to the 1910s when the middy blouse was a "thing" for kids. It's STILL part of the uniform today and is what makes the school distinct from other places with uniforms. Though we sometimes referred ourselves (and were referred to) as Bitches in Sailor Suits (the school's name…
I think many people are misunderstanding me, but whatever.
Nope. Co-ed.
I am so sorry for your loss.
The jewellery thing is most definitely cultural, but I am actually not too familiar with some of the customs (I was born and raised in Canada and my parents didn't tell me many of the wedding-related traditions until after I became engaged. In fact, I wasn't told about some traditions until maybe two months before my…
But like me, it probably took you until AFTER you finished undergrad to realize this, right? And I guess guys don't understand us - I mean "Hey, I've been seeing you around..." isn't the best way to ask someone out because it can be interpreted the wrong way...
No, truly "unwanted" advances have never happened to me. But I don't think the 20 year old me would have considered myself "lucky" since there were no "wanted" advances, either. What was worse was when people commented that this probably meant that I was more "wife" material than "girlfriend." How the heck is that…
Wow, thanks for the comment. *SARCASM* All I'm trying to say was that I understand the whole "no one wants me" situation. But now you're equating me with someone who was crazy? WTF??!!
Except if I were a guy, I still wouldn't have gone around killing people. I'd just be upset. I'm not even sure if I'd be upset at SOCIETY (I sure as heck wasn't) and their so-called "expectations." Are we not allowed to feel upset and undesired? I was being very open about what happened when I was younger, probably…
I'm not! Just wanted to say that I had issues with men (didn't understand why I wasn't hit on/a boyfriend when everyone had it easy) when I was in my 20s. Can't people understand that? I shouldn't have to write an entire memoir, should I? Like I said, I DO NOT CONDONE THIS BEHAVIOUR. HOWEVER I DO UNDERSTAND THAT…
Thanks :) And yeah, it took me until my mid-20s to realize how to become more "approachable" which is how I got Mr. Chic :).
Just wanted to comment on the whole situation. That though I don't condone any of the violence, I kind of understand the whole "unwantedness" some young people feel.
But at the same time, some people want to be courted. And also, I was once told that I was being "feminist"/"daring"/"unconventional" (in a non-insulting way) for going to my 4th year undergrad formal solo (as in not even with a bunch of single girls - most of my acquaintances had "real" dates and my closest friends…