Yeah...mostly "Chinese"/Chinese-inspired. They recently opened a restaurant in Toronto (Shops at Don Mills) and another in Montreal.
Yeah...mostly "Chinese"/Chinese-inspired. They recently opened a restaurant in Toronto (Shops at Don Mills) and another in Montreal.
Yep.... and PF Changs is kind of like Spring Rolls (are you in Ontario/GTA?).
Unlike some people, I let bygones be bygones. Same with my family. I'm grateful that I have the privilege to be a member now, opposed to 50 years ago. I am grateful for the privileges that I am able to have as a non-white female that would have been IMPOSSIBLE back in the day. I find it sad that some people can't…
Tennis, golf, activities for kids and adults (the clubs I belong to all have wonderful day camps for my (hypothetical) children. They also offer daycare, among other things) as well as restaurants ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. Can't do that at the Y, gym or local community centre.
Wait, so you're telling me that I should break rules and, say, wear neon pink tennis clothing to my club? Where the dress code is mostly white (we are allowed 10% colour)? It's a fairly traditional place, an organization where I probably wouldn't have been allowed in as a member 50 years ago (I'm of East Asian…
"Conforming" does not mean that to me - to that extreme, anyway. There's room for change, but there's also room for tradition. Your perspective is very typical of the academics in the Women's Studies (what it was known in the 90s) that I had to, unfortunately, deal with when I was an undergrad. They were NOT…
How would you know that it's rude if you don't even know I'm doing this (you only know because I TOLD YOU)? And don't you think that SOMETIMES, you need to at least SOMEWHAT conform? If she really wanted to wear pants, there are really nice dressy outfits she could have considered. And anyway, this is a really old…
Not in front of you! That would be rude and #notnice. But yeah, we would definitely think you're odd.
Meh...I'm just an old fashioned gal. Not that this is considered a positive trait here at Jezebel. And I'm not even super-conservative by US standards (I'm slightly right-of-centre as a Canadian, but probably a bit lefty in the US). #Jezhatesnicegirls
And this is news? Really, if you're going to get into stereotypes, why not go a different direction? Maybe talk about Asian women being perceived as brandwh*re shopaholics? #justsayin #sickofthis #wtf
Until they meet the stereotypical shopaholic/labelwh*re (it's got to be LV, Prada or Hermes) Asian woman (my friends and I joke about how power shopping is an ethnic sport for us). Like cars? BMW or Mercedes (or, as one says in Cantonese, Bensee (Benz)).
If "integrate" in this case means full inclusion, without major accommodation, the yes, it's often necessary. But if you mean going the extra distance to make unnecessary accommodation, then I am against that. Who is to say that a non-Anglo and straight, Christian male doesn't play golf? Isn't an alumnus or alumna of…
Reminds me of some people - especially Anglo women of a "certain age" who seem to believe that anyone who is not Anglo and old line Christian must be "extra special" and if they diverge from what is perceived to be their "traditions" (be it Catholic, Chinese or whatever) is trying to "lose touch" with their ethnicity.…
I completely understand - I've been around long enough to "get" that. I do get invitations to events by PR companies , not only in fashion/beauty, but food, and to a certain extent, home, as well. However, when I wasn't asked to help organize a blog conference here in the city, I was completely PISSED (most of the…
I don't know about other teens, but the book worked for me when I was a kid!
Prince George didn't get the "Photoshop treatment" that many celebs get. It's merely lighting/filter fixes. Anyone who uses Instagram probably applies filters all the time. No biggie.
It was written by someone on the Tiffany board back in the day. I mean, why would the good people at Tiffany & Co. publish a PARODY? The book was actually recommended by an etiquette advisor who came to present at a Junior League meeting I attended several years ago (she was advising on business and international…
I have Tiffany's Table Manners for Teenagers, which pretty much gives the same type of advice. Dated, but good advice. All kids should own it. I got it shortly before I turned 12.
I don't care if my perspetive is "skewed & atavistic." I fact, I'm not a big fan of the uber-non-conformist POV that many people on this board seem to embrace. It isn't proper. I might not be super-conservative, but I believe in being "nice." And these views are NOT nice. Besides, I don't have a problem with this…
Then I guess we need to blame parents and schools for not teaching their kids properly. It's a problem - and I'm not even one of those weird conservatives that Jezebel loves to hate.