
I honestly won't be surprised. The May issue came out later than usual (doesn't it normally come out mid-month?)! I would, however, prefer that they cut back on the number of issues before they consider shuttering completely. Maybe six issues a year. Didn't they only put out four a year when they first started?

Looks like it could be a library-themed restaurant. LOL!

Maybe it was just a case of assumption. Perhaps the school ASSUMED that kids would know that denim is a no-no at the club? #classprivilege

I hate that line... "It's 2014. Let kids wear what they want." Well, there are rules, and jeans don't fall into the "rules" for prom. I don't care what year it is, but prom is a formal event and she should know that. I don't care that she isn't wearing a gown, but I agree with many of the posters here that jeans

If the school didn't communicate that the club had a dress code, then it's the school's fault. Most clubs have dress codes.

She was at a country club. As I said in my reply, many clubs won't allow jeans, especially not in the part of the club where the prom was being held. Some places even make you go through a different hallway if you're not dressed appropriately. And that's if they let you in at all. About 20 years ago, some kid

Denim is a no-no at many country clubs. Or, at least, if one wears denim or athletic clothing, they might not be allowed in certain areas of the club. I play tennis at a club that is probably already less "traditional" and more laid-back when it comes to dress codes. However, I can't walk into a more formal dining

What bugs me most about some fashion bloggers is how overly positive they are. It can be really, really annoying. I mean, you can't like that item THAT much, can you? I'm also ticked at how certain bloggers are more likely to get brand ambassadorship, even if they're not so pretty by "mainstream" standards (i.e.

My mother-in-law wore a slightly off-white suit dress to both my sister-in-law's wedding and to mine. I rolled my eyes as did my SIL. Is there something about Montreal Jewish culture that I (nor my SIL - her daughter!!) don't know about?

I'm sure your dad would say the same regarding straight people. Other than hand holding (and maybe glass tapping at weddings), Asians don't like PDAs, period (speaking from experience).

My name is Cynthia. I guess I'm safe? :P

I have to be honest. On one hand, the stamps are a little too...umm...PG-13 to be stamps. I'm not sure if I'd want young kids seeing them. On the other hand, the guys have nice @$$es :)

Curtiss is an interesting spelling. Did the guy who recorded your grandfather's family's name make a mistake, you think?

I don't know what I am. I'm uncomfortable calling myself atheist. I'm not sure if I'm agnostic. I know I have issues with the Roman Catholic Church, the church I was baptized into as a child. However, at the same time, I love its traditions and rituals. I attended an Anglican-affiliated school for the middle and

I think it means "I have really mixed European ancestry with the possibility of a little bit of First Nations/Native American and am unsure what my true roots are." In Canada, some people pick "Canadian" as their ancestry for the census as well. I don't really get it. I think people who identify more with an actual

...or maybe North will have a sibling named...South! Hahahaha!

...and that's why Blue (who'll be a bit rebellious) will do a show with North.

Re: Kim and Bey - can't wait for the reality show in 20 or so years starring North and Blue Ivy... Because, you know, it'll totally happen.

It's great, but we still don't see too many non-black minority spokespeople for cosmetics. I recall Lucy Liu for Revlon a few years ago and have also seen Asian women in Lancome and Estee ads (for specific products).

True. I was matched one shade too light for several of the products that I use (for example, I'm a Light-Medium for Smashbox's BBs and CCs - the device said I was Light. Umm, NO. I tried and I looked like a ghost). To be honest, Sephora has testers there for a purpose. Just go there and play with the products!