The way Colin Farrell delivers that line with psychotic earnest while chewing the scenery actually works though.
The way Colin Farrell delivers that line with psychotic earnest while chewing the scenery actually works though.
I’ve never seen the show but I actually like that line.
I am actually glad that they have the option to play these games with the old controls and will turn it on ASAP.
that’s not true there’s also some ancillary covid filler.
This review barely has any focus on the differences between game versions, which is kind of a waste since we can just read the general reviews from four years ago.
Look, make all the schlock you want. Just have the motherfucker be a decent runtime. I haven’t watched The Batman since it came to streaming, and I liked that movie.
I read Snyder is changing Skrein’s “Atticus Noble” to “Nazo Subtle”.
No, it’s clear to me now that Snyder needs a second pass at every project, just to creatively break even.
I’m not letting my kids watch this. I’m cutting down on their Skrein time.
“That’s no moon, it’s a space station. There’s a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port.”
Instead of simply kissing the guy who turns out to be her brother, there’ll be ten minutes of Whatever Her Name Rebel Chick having grunting, sweaty, saliva-for-lube anal sex with him.
I assume that giving Zach Snyder any money at this point is yet another one of Hollywood’s ridiculous accounting practices so they can always claim a loss.
Sometimes you have to put out actual trash in order to maintain appearances.
It is to Zelda what Nioh is to Dark Souls, a game taking inspiration from while confidently doing it’s own thing, in some ways better, in others worse.
I actually kind of miss the days of hyper disposable licensed games adapted from every major blockbuster. There was something to the low barrier for entry action game that you could blast through in a weekend. Now everything wants to be the only game you ever play again.
the way actor’s brains work is so special.
Welcome to a Sam Barsanti dipshitfest.
Especially if Gibson is good in the role and seems to understand the assignment. Let people know he’s involved then move on to the show itself.
For someone who hates Mel Gibson, this review is obsessed with saying his name as much as possible and giving him a lot of attention. I know, extra heapings of snark is required on this site, but it would have been so much better to simply say “Why did they cast that jerk?” and never mention him again while you…
It'll be fine. Dragged Across Concrete is a grim masterpiece and Gibson doesn't distract from that at all.
Between none of the reporting describing the “prank” and a cursory view of their channel, in addition to their statement that they’ll continue “pranking”, I’m more than inclined to believe that there was no actual “prank” and it was likely just straight up harassment at the minimum.