
I’m enjoying the show, but they really could have made it clearer in the first episodes why we’re supposed to care about Wanda and Vision and their new situation at all. Superheroes trapped in a sitcom is intriguing, but we can all agree they were not the most dynamic characters of the Avengers movies. It could have

Indy is problematic (while also kind of a pastiche of golden-age pulps which were problematic). But Bond is more “abhorrent” than that. The imperialist racism and sexism in those movies/novels far exceeds the insensitivity of Indy’s movies, and at least Indy grows somewhat 

I’ve never heard the ter podcast game til now, but it pretty much sums up 80% of how i play games now

This, but throw Jim and Pam in there too. I felt their characters grew more obnoxious and tiresome throughout

I still have no idea why WB would cave to Snyder fans in the first place and release a Snyder Cut, but at the very least it’s clear they know this is a one-off.

Yeah there does seem to a kind of bizarre PR angle to this, as he’s been supported by Snyder and co. throughout the lead-up to the Snyder cut (and Snyder has also issued nonspecific complaints about Whedon), so it may be that he has the implicit assurance from Snyder that he will benefit from this in some way. 

Yeah I keep coming back to that thought every time something new is published on this: if he’s trying to get something from WB, it doesn’t seem to be working and he’s not really playing this right.

it *used* to cost too much, fwiw. I got it on sale for literally $5. Not sure what it is now

If nothing else, writers in the genre need to learn that omnipotent tech companies are not going to be using names like Skynet, Omnicorp, etc. They’re going to have silly, friendly names. like Google, hulu, tinder, uber, and they are going to use humor and cringey ads and use underhanded tactics in capturing

ah, thanks for clearing that up. I wasn’t going to watch the movie again to find out what the deal was. I forgot it was the jedi (Dooku?) that decided to go through wiht the clone idea to begin with. I always thought the good guys using a cloning farm was creepy af

hell nah

Yes! Yes!! Great story logic there, George, what else, what else?”

Also, doesn’t he figure out just from old newspapers that a secret planet exists? And no one else made that connection from...reading the same papers he just did

Attack of the Clones specifically is mostly Obi-Wan starring in cinematic history’s blandest, most pointless detective story ever.

This was the best written and directed episode of the entire series with the possible exception of the S1 finale. It had great character moments, thought-provoking takes on the existing lore, two excellent action sequences, and even though I don’t completely buy Mando sending a hologram threat to Moff Gideon , the

El Cargo would stay in my head for years. It’s a perfect spy soundtrack

It’s a very dumb joke, and I’m not even sure i get it, but also: do we know if these characters are mouthpieces for the creatives on board? Because otherwise their casual racism might be the point, and it’s just not written very well

That’s brilliant.

Right, if they can make Tom Cruise not look short in almost all his movies, they can do the same here

“The colors demonstrate total confidence”