It’s 100% Trumpian. To think that in times like this, with a population facing real actual problems, that we should all pay attention to their need for trophies. Like, you have money and fans in the millions, that’s your trophy.
It’s 100% Trumpian. To think that in times like this, with a population facing real actual problems, that we should all pay attention to their need for trophies. Like, you have money and fans in the millions, that’s your trophy.
A bit self-righteous. He admitted it was a mistake, which he didn’t need to.
I think you could take it a step further and say it’s a lot rote by this point. These episodes are fun to watch for the worlds and baby yoda but so underwhelming on any kind of plot level. I don’t mind the episode of the week structure, but then make the episode plot more exciting, give the actors more to do. It’s a…
fuck yes that game ruled. It had everything. It even outclassed a lot of other 3rd person cover based shooters that were to follow
fo real. Last game that I remember having this feature was MGSV and that was annoying as hell when I wanted to start over sans upgrades (also out of step with every other MGS game)
true but why would a company not allow multiple saves? It’s not like that’s a tough system requirement is it? (tbh i dont know)
Just a random thought but wouldn’t the premise of this game been just a little bit more interesting if you weren’t the overpowered viking but actually the runt of the pack who has to utilize stealth and speed to get ahead.
Stealth is actually pretty decent and fun in Black Flag, you’re right. While I don’t ever expect the games to be great stealth titles --splinter cell needs to come back for sure-- it would be nice for them to incorporate more of the conviction-style mechanics of the SC games into AC
the joke was weird mostly because it came out of nowhere. People will laugh at a joke if its a little sexist AND funny, but this just seemed like he had to stretch to even make the joke work, while it brought the actual Trump joke to a halt
who tf donates to actual Mitch McConnell?
The only thing that’s surprising about all this is why her supporters are upset by her lack of taste. Isn’t that kind of the brand?
Hopefully they exclude the present-day segments or find a way to make them interesting. This has a strong chance of being half-decent, I think, following the unexpected greatness of Castlevania
I think it can be both.
i think you have to put it up your butt
i think you have to put it up your butt
I almost teared up with nostalgia dammit
All i know is i will be disappointed if Sam Fisher doesn’t make some kind of cameo in Legion. Old Sam, going by a different name, investigating cyberpunk London
Yea Monster Rancher was pretty good. I also think the designs of the monsters were better
Digimon was the creepy backwoods cousin of Pokemon. Like you go over to their house and nothing really works right and for fun they hunt rattlesnakes all day
no shit
There’s like a million games out there that don’t require precise jumping and cater to casual players. Not sure how you developed those expectations