Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

If they’re going to shove a shitload of advertisements and product placement down my throat then yes, they damn well better not be charging me for it too.
But they are, and they would be, so, I didn’t watch any of it. At all.

sorry but i saw WW already when it was called Captain America” The First Avenger

When I make my own, much better adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire for tv it will of course not have any props. All real weapons, all real armies. No prop violence; every decapitation, amputation, and stabbing will be real. The actress for Catelyn Tully will literally be killed and then brought back to life with

I’m also in the minority of folks who all

Im pretty excited, but I’m prepared to be in the minority;)

You are a fucking psycho.

Its so good to hear about people who get excited about the well being of animals.

Meh, I remain unconvinced. You know what stagnates innovation in the fantasy setting? Magic. Pure and simple. Without magic, people are forced to engineer solutions, which pushes technological advancement forward. The dragons were a powerful force to wield, but it wouldn’t actually stop technological advancement, as

He rests with Captain Kirrahe

Or, more simply, it doesn’t look very funny and mediocre reboots are becoming exhausting.

I think it’s Rickon. Therefore, your headline is wrong.

You didn’t recall any of Brans journey to that tree, nor did you recall who Jon Snow was? You might want to not bother pretending you watch Game of Thrones. I don’t exactly study it not have I re watched any old episodes and yet these two details were completely not confusing.

You mean the fight his predecessor got us into? Oh, ya - JT should TOTALLY assume responsibility for fixing/ending that shit show.

See, America, we Canadians also have people who rush past the point of an article just so they can sling partisanship at a person involved in it!

NEVER FORGET! (yes, I’m going to do this until the film opens)

The phrases “epic fantasy” and “Legend of the Seeker” are not allowed to be in the same sentence together. Was the book series “epic fantasy”? Absolutely. The show? Not even by a (very extreme) stretch of the imagination could one call it “epic fantasy”. “Epic nonsense”...perhaps.

1) None of those, no matter how beloved, was ever held up as an example of genuine art the way The Prisoner has been.

SERIOUSLY! I wanted to read that book since the fans are crazy about it, and they won’t shut up about it. Well, the prologue and the appendices go on forever! That’s great world building but do I really need to know how to properly sacrifice a lamb! So I’m almost through the main plot (apparently there are 3 fan fics

Given that actual mathematicians and physicists are surprised and excited about it, and a prestigious journal jumped all over it, you may want to consider that no, you’re not understanding it correctly.

A rose by any other name or location is still a rose.