Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

The thought of Dubya having an Etsy or CafePress store just amused me to high heaven.

So, obese now equals normal. Oh America...

I guess a sheeple is born every minute.

haha, me and my husband both love her too, and her little dogs

Dear Men Who Aren't Firefighters,

humina humina, indeed

Why are you guys such miserable gits about this? At least she isn't sitting on her ***, killing time at work and making cynical comments about white privilege to avoid having to do anything interesting with her life.

I love me some Jon Stewart, but Jon Oliver was amazing. I really really hope we can get more of him. Maybe a Weekend Daily Show or something.

Yeah, this product neither needs to exist, nor should it exist. The fact that it DOES exist bothers me. Just no. No. No no no.

Coming in your pants is never going to be a thing. Stop trying to make coming in your pants happen.

Terrible thought: I hope that that's the pregnant woman's brother and not her husband.

The bat cracked me up.

The Republicans can move their primary debates to an unbiased network like Nickelodeon and when a candidate attacks a moderator instead of answering their question they get slimed.

As a lifelong marital artist, I would probably not trust a 'black belt' dressed as a combination nascar driver and tekken character.

Ironically, most people make fun of the shallow, idiotic meme driven children on Kotaku.

Just went through the gallery and man, THIS is my official Tali:

Also helps with developers, you can NEVER have enough screen space when your working on a big project. I can't stand to develop on any less than 2 monitors

Hence why I consistently proceeded to smash Miranda like baby aspirin. She is smokin.

I hate cats. This would be a prime time for all that cheap furniture to go up in a blaze and make the world a better place.