Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

Well, I hope this dude gets his ticket refunded, and the stupid pilot learns that not everyone is out to get them.

What is a “ship” in the context of this article (and user Norseness’ comment below)? Is this some new lingo for “episode”?

It’s a picture of cock and balls.

DC universe is better than Marvel’s? That’s stretching it a bit. Marvel’s has much better writing, better acting, and better effects (granted, DC uses MORE effects in their shows, but that can also be used as an argument against it). They’re both good, but DC isn’t on the same level as Marvel is, not by any stretch of

That’s exactly what will happen....Jon’s army is going to get outdone, and the Knights of the Vale are going to save their asses.


You still hear something shatter, though...rofl

“inthe movies, Apocalypse stuck was under a pyramid”

Wait, no Noomi Rapace?!

Just think about it...all the times that Hodor has gone into a panic attack during bad weather...he *knew* he was going to die, he’d already lived through the dream of his own death, and he had to deal with the fact that, at any given moment during a storm, he could die. It’s why he flipped out at the tower after they

He’s not Bran, he’s a Targaryen. If they change this, it’s only for the show, as the books has already established this.

Well, caves have entrances, else they wouldn’t be caves. But it wasn’t plot convenience, if you’re talking about the entrance from the top. The Night’s King knew what was in there, and used his crazy zombie magic to crack the cave so the wights could enter somehow (and they did - from the top). Even the “back door”

In what order are these panels read, because this makes no sense...”disappointed not as in am as i myself”?

This is old hat, man. How could anyone not have seen this before?

If they’re caught stealing, fuck ‘em. That’s what happens when you take things that aren’t yours, regardless of what you get paid. If I steal something from my work, I could face federal prison on top of pretty much never getting hired to work in a decent job ever yea. Sounds fine to me.

The phrases “epic fantasy” and “Legend of the Seeker” are not allowed to be in the same sentence together. Was the book series “epic fantasy”? Absolutely. The show? Not even by a (very extreme) stretch of the imagination could one call it “epic fantasy”. “Epic nonsense”...perhaps.

Curse this robot heart of mine, I’ll never be an emo like all the cool kids!

“Explain to me how human feelings towards people they’ve never met work”


Did you know him?

Why, when any prominent actor/musician dies, everyone has to share how that person “impacted” their lives?