Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness


“the 20214 American Godzilla reboot”

Wait, we rebooted the franchise AGAIN, 18,200 years in the future? Get your shit together, America!

“Dawn Bright, SL-13377 of the 501st Legion”

What’s whinging? I don’t speak fucktard.

First, I’m not your “son”. Second, science does *not* show that sitting is bad for you without mentioning the obvious caveat: it is only bad for you *if you do not exercise regularly*. Third, fuck off, no one asked you for your opinion.

Wait, so Laurel is a superhero now? I just got to the episode where she gets her ass beat by the girlfriend-bashing junky (or whatever he was) and then wants to train, this rate, don’t you feel that it’s a bit cluttered? Or have they given a legitimate reason for her to be anything *other* than an annoying ex

Oh wow, one of *those* people...don’t feed the troll, guys. Let it keep it’s silly little ideas that a super-secret invisible being who watches us masturbate created everything for a reason...*sigh*

(by the way, our bodies aren’t perfect, and our organs aren’t as intricate as you’d think they would be. Thus, read a

Awww, someone got all upset about a shitty religioun that shouldn’t exist in the first place. How quaint.

Just putting this out there, but absolutely nothing in this video remotely resembles an “American base that looks suspiciously like the one on the Japanese island of Okinawa”. The only thing that could even be related would be the trees (which are prevalent in the Pacific) and the fact that it’s a military

...shitty posters are related to awesome cakes?

^ She’s one of them, lol.

“Daredevil was set against a backdrop of the fallout the Avengers failed to clean up after the Battle of New York”

So in other words, you are the first in a new generation of brony? Got it.

Nope. It only counts card types: artifact, planeswalker, sorcery, enchantment, creature, land, instant. It doesn’t care if “Faerie Trickery” is a “Instant- Faerie Tribal” or not. It’s still an Instant.

Tribal doesn’t count, Ed. It doesn’t care about creatuere types, just card types.

It’s also important to note that an “Enchantment Creature” (like a Courser of Kruphix) counts as BOTH, because it is both an enchantment AND a creature. Say hello to your 2 mana Goyf, who plops into play as a 2/3, at the very least ;-) But no, it doesn’t count tribal types, just card types: artifact, planeswalker,

Oh, that’s cute. There’s no need to be upset. If you want to play the insult game, then sure, I’ll play: it’s plainly clear that you’re too lazy to back up your claims with anything remotely resembling evidence, and likely won’t read very far into my response before this, even though it blatantly sinks the nonsense

“I do not believe that my claims are either incorrect nor unfounded, but I do believe you cherry pick your evidence to support your misogyny.”

The only asshole here is you, because you’re trying to force your opinion down others’ throats as fact, and trying to use “child mortality rates” as a reason that one of the children may have been hers, when they in fact were not.

“Are you a parent? I’m trying to figure out if there’s a gender/hormonal divide or a parental divide. Maybe a bit of both.”