Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

“It seems like a lot of guys saw that scene and thought she just gave up because they were kids. Seriously?”

“Her living children were.”

You have nothing to back that statement up. There is no identification given of the (undead) children.

“You don’t think child mortality was a problem in Hardhome? That every kid birthed survived to adulthood? She’d already lost at least a few sisters. Modern medicine is awesome at keeping

Those were not her children. Her children are on the ships heading to Castle Black.

So was there a point to him killing himself repeatedly?

Holy, Wall of Motherfucking Text, batman...

“It is long dead.”

I don't know about anyone else, but I've been burned out on Star Wars over the past few years. Everyone's got a fucking SW shirt or poster, or tries to talk like Yoda, etc, and it's just "meh". I feel the same thing with this trailer. Sure, I'm slightly interested in what it's about, but not enough to really give a

Is this one of those "if it's not made in America, it's not good" arguments? Lol

You are aware that Mweyer said "creationists", and not "all of Christianity", right? He/she said absolutely nothing about non-creationist believers of religion, thus your little tirade here merely reaffirms exactly what he/she said. But continue bashing what a person said merely because you lack reading

That's why Mweyer said "creationists", not "christians", thus you're little tirade here is reaffirming exactly what he/she said. But continue bashing a person who said something that you clearly misread.

I still listen to this music while I play Elite: Dangerous. Probably the best music in a TV show that I've ever seen, and I hope my family follows my Will and plays "Wander My Friends" at my funeral while passing my children a lighter or something.

I normally like reading your articles, Ms. Newitz, but who cares? It's a story, about a story, about something that never happened, that people claimed did happen, but for which they have absolutely no archeological or historical evidence to base their claim off of. See the movie if you like (well, you already did),

I am a subscriber of her YouTube channel, and I don't see why ANYONE would say anything like this. She's funny, witty, does a good job covering the topics that she talks about, and watching her play isn't bad at all when I'm not able to play a game myself (i.e. - at work or out of the house). The first video I saw

lol. Imagine that...a giant dick full of CO2!

I can imagine that with excellent wine, you'll also be drinking booze that smell like rubber ;-) Ha!

Easy wine:

This very well could be Mothra, because if you'll recall from previous films, Mothra wasn't always in "moth" form, but rather in various lepidopteran forms: eggs, larva, caterpillar, and finally the moth. Perhaps this is the caterpillar stage? The fact that the Shobijin are there could back this up.

If you find it appalling, switch faiths. There is no difference between reading it here, reading it yourself from the Bible, or having it paraphrased to you from the podium by a preacher, pastor, etc.

Ha, if that "might" be NSFW....we may need to stop filming people talking...because of the mouth vaginas, and all that ;-)

Btw, how do you make a GIF out of a video like that?

Purrfect *fixed