Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

I have that porn ;-)

Now playing

It's not NSFW, but whoever made it has it tilted the wrong way. It's from the latest Smarter Every Day video on YouTube, where a beatboxer is captured in slow-motion. Linky:

Instead of talking out of your arse, you need to back that up with peer-reviewed facts, LightIce. As a physics student myself and an amateur astronomer, I'm calling you out on this. The theory explains what we think happened, and all of that told us what we expected, and did, find. There are problems with it, sure,

Yea, sometimes they do that, and it sucks.

Do you also realize that my comment was from August 2012? HA!

*chop chop* ;-) LOL

Yes, I know who Blackout is, but the scene was still shitty. But hey, thanks for commenting...over a year and four months later.

Please don't think I'm being rude, but I'm curious as to how this is relevant to the article? I've never read the books, nor seen the movies - do they have blind spacefarers in it? Honest question!

Not necessarily. That would mean that the edge of our location in the universe (the border between our little plot of land and our copy's) starts where the observable universe ends...which is probably wrong. Think about it - the observable universe gets "larger" as we find new ways to view it (thus, this article,

The logic behind your statement doesn't make sense. You're taking a finite observable area and using that to dictate that the universe is finite? We do not know whether the universe is finite or infinite, but an infinite universe doesn't actually mean that it extends forever. One explanation in Brian Green's latest

This is why I do not mind living in the southern stretches of Arizona. The wind streams that flow over us carry north (from Mexico), and so ash shouldn't be much of a problem until it circles the globe, which means that not much (if any) will find it's way here. Seismically speaking, this area is the boonies - we The movie was trash. There was one decent point in the film, just one, and it was drown out by mediocre bullshit.

Cockshittery for all!

This word, "cockshittery". May I use it without overstepping my bounds?

Because it truly is the most amazing word I've read. Ever.

Fuck yea, Lindy!

To be fair,'s not a "new"'s been out for a little while.

Most games don't have the amazing graphics that you see in this one, but yes - they are there while playing. It's amazing.

Oh, really? That's amazing! My trans brother got engaged to his fiancee around that date (between the 29-31st). Hooray for the coffin, let's throw it off a cliff and into the ocean! (Your first name doesn't start with an L, does it)?

  • Way to necropost, James.

Blame Facebook. A relative of mine just posted it also, and I'm like "wuhhh? i have pictures of this...."

You can't make a claim like