Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

After misrepresenting the title of the movie, I'm fairly certain that she doesn't. Check my other post and you'll see why.


Charlie Jane're "mispelling" the title of the movie. That ノ is an actual character, not a slash (/). The title is "009ノ1". "ノ" is the Japanese Katakana for "no". The title "009ノ1" is a "play on words. The numerals gives it away:

9 = "Kyū" (く)
ノ = "no" (ノ)
1 = "Ichi" (一)


Not unknown in size...are you daft? Or are you here just for the sake of arguing? In either case, have fun with your pseudo-science and posturing. Cheers.

I see. And trying to demean or belittle me makes you correct? Hardly. The only reason why people say that the universe is infinite is because we compute and model our observations based on Euclidean space. The very web site that you linked, O Great One, says as much.

FYI: Acting like an asshole doesn't make you

And yet, that scene where he was in the church seemed contrived and forced. It didn't fit in with other scenes...they were saying "well, he's got to make this decision, but we don't want to overplay his mom, so hey...ask a pastor!" And he did not seek "spiritual" counsel, but rather asked the opinion of the pastor

Fuck the Jesus myth. It has nothing to do with a comic book hero. And comics shouldn't be a way to let religious idiots creep in and indoctrinate more idiots. Where is my time machine, so I can take these retards back to show them that either 1) their Jesus never existed, 2) he existed but was not who they think he

You're welcome.

Still bigger than the quoted 13 billion ...

Because technically speaking, it will always be "infinite" in the sense that we'll never be able to see or get to all of it (without some kind of "warp" capability). Mathematically, though, it cannot be infinite, as it had a beginning.

I'm assuming that's up there for people with low IQs, or children.

You are partially correct. The calculations can be wrong. And we adjust them based on that (which is why current estimates are 13.7 billion, plus or minus .03 billion). The number changes as our instruments get more precise. However, you are EXTREMELY wrong with your comment about not being near to understanding

No, this is an example of you trying to cover up being wrong. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with being wrong. Take it as constructive criticism. You wouldn't answer the question "how old are you?" with "I'm over 3 years old" in order to express your correct age as 54 >.>

Incorrect. The size of the universe is pretty well known, and is not infinite. It could infinitely expand, but it is not infinite in size. If it was infinite in size, all of our calculations about the age of the universe, as well as the foundation of all astrophysics, would be wrong. And that's just not the case.

Now playing

Video down (she claimed copyright against whoever was hosting the one you linked to), visit her page to watch it from now on:

It doesn't matter. George, and Tzepish by extension, are wrong about the size of the universe. Age, yes. Size, no.

The entire universe is over 13 billion light-years across.

The universe is actually 93-ish billion light years across (diameter)...

Could you explain what principles in chemistry and physics can be used to describe how first-generation stars were born? Here's an example of what I'm talking about...

- After matter cools down enough so that particles can do their thing without being too hot to break bonds and Hydrogen is able to form...
- Hydrogen

Thanks for clarifying ;-) It's just that, outside of the context of this article, many people (including myself) don't bother with trying to get the nuances of the trans community downloaded into our brains. We encounter it, learn from it, and store it for later use (at least, if we aren't fucking assholes who think

It may be basic "Trans 101" stuff, but as someone who is not trans and does not have any interaction with trans people (other than remote communication with a trans-man brother in another state), I did not know. Where did I ever blame the trans community for not "making it clear enough"?

I'm assuming that you

Forgive me, I'm straight and still get confused, and my brother was born a female but presents as a man. Even though I love him and support him in everything he does (even getting banned on Reddit, for trying to start a fundraiser to help with his surgery b/c my account was less than 90 day sold o.0 ), I still fuck