Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

You mean, he died. He didn't "pass". Passing implies that he either went somewhere else, or perhaps walked past something on his way to somewhere else.

The GIF wasn't able to be opened on my end, so here's the direct URL:

I think you're making an argument where one doesn't need to be made. When reading the article, and watching the video (or rather, listening the slideshow), the amount of laughing for that joke was very early the same as every other joke. I mean, you could look at it the other way and get bent out of shape about the

So why is Jezzy so up in arms against Paltrow? I think that she's a great actor and her being attractive and active outside of her acting career is good for her. What did she do, kill some puppies in Malaysia or something?

Or maybe they didn't, but for some reason Kinja is throwing errors ;-(

Oh no! It seems like they've deleted our fun ;-(

Apparently you read a different post than we did...


Welcome to the 1990s and early 2000s, mate. You'll enjoy it here.

How could I forget?!?

Just think, in 6 more months, it will be our 1 year fighterversary!


Looks like a spool of CAT5 to me...

My parents told me to never give up on my dreams! I'm not a quitter ;-)

Having an option would be nice. But better yet, I just wish that attacking wasn't done manually. It was insane playing this with arthritis, and after surgery of a different nature left me on pain meds, a game that I really enjoyed had to be shelved (LoG) because it forced me to manually click and swap characters

It's definitely Japanese. The second character is a caligraphy form of the Hiragana character "So", and as some of you apparently know, Kanji does not look like Kana.. As someone who has lived in Japan for more than a third of his life, who also speaks, reads, and writes fluently, I still have a hard time with

He can, but it is up to the establishment on what amount of tattoos they will allow inside. I know this from personal experience.

I think you missed my point about religion needing to be proven. I wasn't discussing the nuances of getting a belief system "registered" as a religion. I can have The Worshippers Of The Great Dr. Pepper and classify it as a religion, and all would be well. The CLAIMS of the religion are what must be proven. As I

Because then we men would have our own little turf to post about rape culture, demeaning people for even LOOKING at a woman's body, etc. Why not? My comment, however, was not "bitching", but merely making an observation about the culture here on Jez, in regards to the someone ironic post about whining men ;-)

Well, there is certainly material for it, what with the insurgency and Robert Baratheon taking the throne from the Targaryens...