Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

You mean, he died. He didn't "pass". Passing implies that he either went somewhere else, or perhaps walked past something on his way to somewhere else.

Don't you know? In the universe of Spider Man, bridges are not a cause of death - there's too much stuff for him to just swing in from miles away and save the day, then disappear to another area afterwards.

didn't believe until he had proof, which is the worst kind of faith, really.

That...surprisingly makes sense! Quick, let's find some midgets to go knock it down!

Except that, we were...

So this is just more cock-stroking from 'Muricuh, right? My country makes me feel ashamed. I just don't get the "Hey, look at us, World! Some bad people killed a bunch of innocent people, and it REALLY sucked, but we're going to build another tower in it's place, and it's going to be THE BIGGEST on this 'side' of

The GIF wasn't able to be opened on my end, so here's the direct URL:

I think you're making an argument where one doesn't need to be made. When reading the article, and watching the video (or rather, listening the slideshow), the amount of laughing for that joke was very early the same as every other joke. I mean, you could look at it the other way and get bent out of shape about the

Ahh, yes, I remember the story. I guess the sorcerer was just added in (I wonder what juicy role he'll play!?). Thanks!

So why is Jezzy so up in arms against Paltrow? I think that she's a great actor and her being attractive and active outside of her acting career is good for her. What did she do, kill some puppies in Malaysia or something?

Was the sorcerer part in the books? I don't remember it, but then again I just picked up book 5 without going back to re-read books 1-4...and it's been quite a while.

Or maybe they didn't, but for some reason Kinja is throwing errors ;-(

Oh no! It seems like they've deleted our fun ;-(

Hahaha ;-) She was pretty hot, though! That's got to count for *something*...but it wasn't enough to redeem her from her shitty choices in a partner, lol.

I see your spiked stripper pole, and raise you some spiked shoes!

Bah, I wish there were solutions for getting grass to grow out here in Southern Arizona...water, water, water, WEEDS AND DEATH!

Apparently you read a different post than we did...

Nah, she was one of the most annoying and unnecessary characters on that show...


Welcome to the 1990s and early 2000s, mate. You'll enjoy it here.