Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

How could I forget?!?

I stand corrected. The movie WASN'T about "god". Yet, up until the very end of it, that WAS the explanation for everything, from him telling the sappy book author that he'd make him believe in god, to the "omfg I'm stuck on the ocean, tripping out of my mind, that my tiger has Vishnu in his mouth". I probably

Just think, in 6 more months, it will be our 1 year fighterversary!


Captivating storyline? How about "storyline that tries to shove the concept of 'god' down your throat as an explanation for everything that happens in the movie?" My wife and kids and I saw this movie and I knew before we went in that it had a somewhat religious connotation to it (I hadn't read the book), but what

Or, y'know, GIMP...

Looks like a spool of CAT5 to me...

"andd there is almost ZERO for the existence of one."

Actually, you're wrong there. "There is absoulutely ZERO evidence for the existence of one."

No need for thanks, I'm just here to watch a brother's (or sister's) back. Keep up the good work!

You assume that I actually log in.... ;-) When you're the Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness, anything is possible. Especially when I don't really exist! *poof*

My parents told me to never give up on my dreams! I'm not a quitter ;-)

Having an option would be nice. But better yet, I just wish that attacking wasn't done manually. It was insane playing this with arthritis, and after surgery of a different nature left me on pain meds, a game that I really enjoyed had to be shelved (LoG) because it forced me to manually click and swap characters

I'll come out and say it:
I've paid for sex before. I did it when I wanted to "celebrate" something back when I was single. In the culture that I lived in, it may have been slightly taboo, but was in a moral grey area. I'm married, now, so I don't go anymore, but there's nothing wrong with paying for sex. I say


It's definitely Japanese. The second character is a caligraphy form of the Hiragana character "So", and as some of you apparently know, Kanji does not look like Kana.. As someone who has lived in Japan for more than a third of his life, who also speaks, reads, and writes fluently, I still have a hard time with

He can, but it is up to the establishment on what amount of tattoos they will allow inside. I know this from personal experience.

This is why M-Theory is pretty great, as the membrane collisions sort of validate the singularity, even though it's still got a lot of work needed to be done.

Wait, so you get your eating etiquette from some unproven, nonexistent, bronze-age sky wizard? And who in the world gets splinters from chopsticks? Amateur!

I think you missed my point about religion needing to be proven. I wasn't discussing the nuances of getting a belief system "registered" as a religion. I can have The Worshippers Of The Great Dr. Pepper and classify it as a religion, and all would be well. The CLAIMS of the religion are what must be proven. As I

Because then we men would have our own little turf to post about rape culture, demeaning people for even LOOKING at a woman's body, etc. Why not? My comment, however, was not "bitching", but merely making an observation about the culture here on Jez, in regards to the someone ironic post about whining men ;-)