Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

Well, there is certainly material for it, what with the insurgency and Robert Baratheon taking the throne from the Targaryens...

Time to put this on repeat and go 'bate.

"the balding wad in the sweat pants and socks frantically gyrating in front of the TV as he tries to make his way through the horde of alien enemies"

I'd just like to say, as a gamer and as a father, that you need to go fuck yourself. Perhaps YOUR father wouldn't have your respect if he played video games...but perhaps he would. You don't know, therefore how can you make that argument? There is no reason that a man must give up a hobby once he becomes a father.

"You gotta love it when physics gets biblical." Why? What does a dark fantasy book have anything to do with science?

Well, he did great as Charles Brandon in The Tudors (which I'm watching right the show, hate Henry VIII). I expect he'll bring a lot of the character from that show into his role as Clark, easily.

Good to know I made the right decision 4 years ago ;-)

Yes, worse than one.

Yes, worse than 1.

"Shrill, harping nags"? That actually seems like the perfect explanation for half of the female commenters on Jezebel. Gawker Media should have another for men to bitch about women, so we're even. "", anyone? Y'know, keeping with the whole Hokey Pokey Evil Prostitute Jezebel From The Bible

Yes, you do need to prove that your statement is correct. If you make a claim that someone else says is false, and even provides logical reasons why you are wrong (two different worlds, time periods, etc), then the onus is on you to prove that your claim is true even in the face of it not being logical. Also, you

"Preaching to the choir" there, Senselocke. You are wrong on the "A religion is not something that needs to be proven, but a crime is" point, though. If someone creates a religion to follow some kind of invisible sky wizard, they must prove that that sky wizard exists or shut the fuck up and stop the preaching.


Or, you know, you could just not be a stupid bitch about it and judge this dude just because he likes it. For some, the option to surf the net on a notebook/laptop just isn't something they want to do with, and perhaps the environment helps him think, rather than the silence of his own home. Stop being a pretentious

Cite it, or it didn't happen ;-)

Hardly! HA!

I know about this already. My point was, this is old news, and I'm almost certain that it was featured here on Gizmodo in the past when this video was going the rounds on the internet. I'm just curious to know if the "author" of the post knows this or not...i hate looking for "new" stuff on Gizmodo and getting

Yes, and Mormons have less sanity than most Christians (with the exception of WBC, etc). His attacks against Mormonism are mostly true, and even if they were uncalled for, he doesn't *need* a reason to speak out against nonsense like this. I do it all the time! I find it funny that you mentioned the fact that he