Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

True. I think I overdid it with the explaining. However, I felt that it was necessary, seeing as how the blog that we're posting on is known for completely disregarding what anyone says if it doesn't conform to the majority opinion.

Oh no, not stereotyping a readership. Think of it as "preparing for the inevitable", because after all, this is Jezebel.

I'm a man. I'm married, I love my wife, and I have two children. I was speaking to a female coworker this morning, and couldn't help but say "Wow, she looks very attractive this morning!". Does that mean that I'm a pig? Fuck no, it means that I think she's attractive. That's it. I didn't get a raging boner and

Well spoken, my friend. Well spoken.

There's nothing wrong with him telling the truth, and I fully support his statements. If you're going to name-call because he's telling the truth, get off the thread. If you knew anything about this insane religion (an insane one amongst insane ones, as it is), you would agree.

Why would it lend itself to drama and thought-provoking situations? It's a fable, in a fairly violent religious text. It deserves whatever ridicule it gets!

With those magnets, there are two pieces of advice I can offer: 1, don't put your mousepad/mouse anywhere near your PC if you decide to rearrange your office or go to a LAN party to show off. 2, do not remove your hand too quickly from the mouse...they're both repelling each other (the "pad" and the mouse), and

Kameltoe in shot #2? lol?

That's funny, because I played this game from May 2002 when it first came out, all the way until mid 2009. I recently got a bit nostalgic, and am more than a little anxious to see FFXIV, so I resubbed to FFXI 2 weeks ago, and wow...there are reasons I loved this game, and even though it's running on 11 years, the

Considering that the expansion hasn't come out yet, this live stream was probably of SE testing it. At any rate, it's no longer available.

This is rubbish, they never said such a thing. I'd ask you to quote your sources, but you have none. Think of this: it's two different worlds, so that right there puts it out. The only thing that they DID do was allow subscribers who were playing both FFXI and FFXIV to get bonuses in each game. It's been a while,

This is old hat. The video has been out there for YEARS showing them watching the blood pulses and whatnot. So what am I missing, just that another company helped finance the ability for people to upload their own videos (after downloading the code and installing everything) to the web?

So why the fuck call something "egg egg"?

Nothing wrong with old beer. Hell, depending on the conditions in which it was stored, it could taste MUCH better than a 2-month conditioned botle. Now, of course, if it was sitting in some place that was warm or hot, or in direct sunlight...yea...that's just going to be liquid funk right there.

I think you're missing the point, Eric Limer. Today is the 27th "anniversary" of the Challenger. This is why this photo was posted on NASA's site (to piggy-back and let others remember something a little less-famous).

I fucking hate that douchebag's shirt. Fucking racist bastard (if not racist, then insert correct term instead).

See my other response on this page, Dr. Lizardo ;-) I'm not sure if it's been released or not, but I watched an HD version of it on YouTube a few weeks ago (it's amazing what you can find there...i was just looking for a clip from a movie back in 1981). If there was a better way to search through Watch History on

Yea, it was ok as a time waster, but nothing I'd go spend the money to see in a theater.

Search for my other post on the page. If you can't find it, let me know and I'll spam it here.

No, it is not using it as a metaphore. The physics is just their lame excuse to get this shitty love story marketed without re-hashing something that's been done a bajillion times before. The movie was horrid, and pointless.