Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

But it's so fun!

nar ;-)

LOL (you thought you had me, eh? YOU DIDN'T!) haha

It sure would ;-) Both have carbon as their primary ingredient, although coal has other elements in it too (hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen). It's hard to tell something this big though, as we don't have any visual confirmation there, and just assumption. We can look at the elements that exist, and correlate

Exactly - you don't like how something is in organized religion, so you make your own deal up. But we all know that just because we make things up in our minds, doesn't necessarily make those things true ;-)

Here, I'll do you all a favor with an actual scientific representation of what's going on:

This just seems like a shittier version of the .HACK series (which was awesome).

Hey, the cat's an atheist also if he/she doesn't believe in any gods. Way to go cat! Call me for backup next time!

I couldn't watch that past the third "Barbaric!" What was he ranting about (lol, "ranting"....)

And this is why you password protect your phone. Cheatings, secured! My mistress and I do it, and our significant others have no idea.

You're celebrating the winter solstice, and the end of the current year. I do the same for my children, and am as anti-theist as they come ;-)


Don't do that to yourself. I critique many books (there are sites out there for authors to share a specified number of copies of their work to specific emails for critiques), and if you really wanted to, I'd do it to yours also. Free of charge, with a "no piracy guarantee". I'll even trade you mine for yours, lol.

I hope they don't end Season 3 with that little twat's death *spoilers at bottom of comment, for what it's worth*. I can see how they might end with the Red Wedding, but...that will just depress me...even though I'll watch Season 4 (obviously!), I just don't want any season to end on a "shit, major character is

Yea...not to be "that guy", but it might be wise to use a censored thumbnail and NSFW tag on the article's cover photo. In 'blog view' on the main page, i had a giant dick with birds on it while I'm at work not working. lol...

Well, the numbers have been dwindling for quite a while now. At this rate, believers will get pretty low, but it's going to take a lot of time to do so. I don't think religion will go away completely, but I'm hoping we're able to find a nice asteroid to put them on in the next 100 years ago, so we can get back to

As of October 2012, the "Nons" are about 17.8% of the nation (too lazy to hunt for link, check the Pew religious studies center for the latest study). "Christians" are down to about 72% now. In that study, Christians are comprised of Mormons (LOL), Catholics, Protestant, etc. "Nons" are atheist, unaffiliated,

It can mean different things to different people. I'm about as anti-theistic as they come, and from what I've seen, here are our choices:

Right, but that "great emotion in response to life" is what you're attributing to the notion of "God". Which I would say turns back around on itself. So to you, "God" is really just a mental representation of the emotions and sensations that you feel when "being one with everything", right?

I think rather than jump the gun, you should sit and think about why the question was asked: why HASN'T anyone done anything yet? It's not so much how people think the country is run, but rather how untrustworthy it's leadership is in regards to them randomly killing millions of people on a whim from the dictator